xi. the sleepover pt2

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maeve had been strolling around the library when her brother and his two best friends approached her. ron smiled at her brightly and hermione nodded in a greeting.

ron was almost like a second brother to maeve. they weren't best friends or anything like that, but maeve had known him for the longest time and they had compatible personalities, sometimes bonding over their love for food. maeve would bake the food and ron would eat it. they had grown close during maeves sixth year and ron's fourth year, especially since ron wasn't spending time with harry anymore and he felt alone. despite being on her actual brothers side, maeve had spent time with him and baked to cheer him up.

hermione and maeve had always been close, ever since hermione joined hogwarts. she had been a loner during the first few months of her first year and maeve found her in library one day and vowed to be her best friend until hermione didn't want her to be. regardless of how long they'd known each other, the two did butt heads occasionally since maeve was sometimes more laidback than hermione was.

"maeve, you need to listen to their plan and tell them that they're being ridiculous!" harry said dramatically, swinging his arms around and making him look like a madman.

maeve raised her eyebrow at ron and hermione. "you've interrupted my reading time, y'know." she told them, sidetracking hermione slightly.

"ooh, what were you going to read?" hermione asked her.

"i was thinking of rereading little women, actually," maeve said, her eyes lighting up at her favourite book.

hermiones eyes lit up as well, "i love that book! jo is my hero but i don't really understand why amy's your favourite charac-"

"alright, you two. you can talk about books later, right?" ron interrupted.

hermione and maeve frowned at each other.

"ron's right, you need to tell maeve about your stupid idea!" harry said, almost hitting maeve directly in the face when waving his arms around.

"ok, ok," hermione gave in, "ronald and i were thinking that we should set up a defence against the dark arts group so that we can actually learn,"

maeve nodded. it was a smart idea and she could really do with actual help in defence against the dark arts, other than pestering her godfather.

"that's not the whole plan though, is it?" harry said, widening his eyes, "they want me to lead it! me! as a teacher!"

"that's not a bad idea actually, you two. i'm impressed considering that you're gryffindors," maeve joked.

"what?" harry exclaimed.

"thanks, maeve. see harry, i told you she'd agree with us and not you!" ron said triumphantly.

"maeve, you cant be serious! i have no patience how can i teach?" harry exclaimed.

"oh my merlin, harry calm down! you'd be a great teacher. i mean, it's not like you haven't already faced all of the things that your going to need to teach about. you have way more experience than some of our previous teachers- especially lockhart!" maeve told her brother.

"exactly! harry, we need to be taught properly!" hermione added.

"i'm not going to teach you properly, though, am i?" harry pointed out, "i'm not an actual teacher!

"you're better than umbridge! harry, i'm in my seventh year, i'm going to be doing my newts. i need someone who's going to actually be letting us cast spells!" maeve told him.

ron and hermione nodded and harry sighed.

"look, haz, i'm going to be asking you to help me anyway, so you might as well help everyone!" harry still didn't look convinced, so maeve pulled out the big guns, "okay, fine, if you want to be like that,"

harry looked at her confused.

"i'm your big sister, so you have to do anything i say!" maeve said childishly.

harry laughed for a moment before realising that she wasn't joking, "wait? you're serious?"

"more serious than sirius! i'm sure him and uncle moony would agree with me on this!"

"i'll think about it, okay?" harry relented.

"great!" maeve said cheerfully, "now, i need to find my book, i'll talk to you guys later!"


"yo edward!" maeve shouted as she entered the common room.

"yo maevester!" he yelled back from the corner in which he was sitting and reading a book.

"you wanna have a sleepover today eddie? we haven't spent time together in ages!" she suggested, sitting next to him.

"sure thing, maevery. gimme like an hour to clean our dorm and we'll have it there," he kissed her head and ran up to the dorm.

eddie and maeves sleepovers were an essential part of their friendship. it had started on the halloween of their second year when she was mourning the anniversary of the death of her parents and he suggested that they just had some fun together to take her mind off of it.

the first sleepover consisted of them eating loads of food and changing into different halloween costumes, the best one being eddie dressing up as one of the abba members.

since then, the sleepovers had evolved. they would take cute polaroid's of each other and paint the other ones nails and generally gossip about their lives and the new secrets they had found out from other people in their dorm. the tradition they kept the same though, was the heaps of food they ate.

during the hour that eddie had requested, maeve collected face masks and beauty treatments for them to try out and changed into a vest and jogging bottoms that she could sleep in. she made her way up to eddie's dorm and picked up a box of bertie bits every flavour beans on her way.

she flopped onto his bed without greeting him, making him jump up and yell out it shock.

"good god, woman! you almost killed me, i swear," he spluttered out, hand on his heart.

maeve laughed and ate some chocolate.

the two of them spent hours gossiping about maeve and fred and lisa spencer's new hairdo (that was actually horrendous, by the way, permed hair did not suit her at all) before eddie bought up a new topic.

" i met someone during the summer, actually maeve." he said, more seriously than he had been in a long time.

maeve perked up slightly and raised her head from off of his lap, "really? do they go here? what's their name?"

"uh, yeah they do. his name is harvey. harvey sinclair." he replied, twiddling his thumbs.

"oh yeah he's a gryffindor in our year right? he shares the dorm with fred so i've met him a few times. he's really nice, eds, i'm happy for you," maeve said.

"do you- uh- do you not care?" eddie asked.

"care about what? the fact that he's a boy and you're a boy? ed, it doesn't matter! love who you want to love!" maeve ranted.

edward blinked a few times and launched himself at her, hugging her as tightly as her could. "thank you maevie," he muttered into her hair.

she laughed, "don't be silly, thank you for trusting me!"

a few moments of silence went by.

"don't think that i won't take house points off of you if we're trying to go for the same boy at any point, eddie," maeve spoke into her best friends shoulder.

keira's note!
so this was fun and fresh!
i hope this chapter was ok ish? i was unsure when i was writing it cuz there's no fred and maeve together and idk i was worried it'd be boring but you got to see a bit more of eddie and maeves friendship and a bit more of eddie in general.
stay safe!!

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