xix. busted

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it was february the 3rd, a few weeks after they had gotten back to school and it was finally time for another dumbledore's army meeting.

whilst they had been fighting, maeve and fred hadn't been partnered up, for obvious reasons. instead, maeve had been practicing with neville longbottom, a gryffindor in harrys year. neville was good at magic but he struggled with actually applying it.

this week, she was going to be in a pair with fred again.

she was excited for this lesson, since it was something she could actually do- the patronus charm.

maeve had learned it when she was 15 and sirius had just escaped from azkaban. hogwarts was full with dementors searching for sirius and they affected maeve and harry in a way that they affected no one else. whenever a dementor was in their presence, harry and maeve could hear their mother, lily evans potter, pleading for voldemort to kill her instead of her children.

these flashbacks affected them so badly that they fainted, and they had both decided to ask remus, the defence against the dark arts teacher from that year, to teach them how to combat them. this led to him teaching them the spell. neither could get it first time but eventually they both mastered the spell.

harry's patronus was a stag, much like their fathers had been.

maeves was a dog, like sirius'. she was nothing but loyal and protective.

"right, everyone," harry said from the front of the room, "today, we are going to learn the patrons charm!"

excited muttering filled the room, a few whoops were even heard.

"it's very hard, so don't worry if you can't get it first time," harry reassured them all, "the incantation is 'expecto patronum' and when you cast it, you need to think of your happiest memory."

maeve smiled at fred as they went into their usual corner.

"ok, i bet i can do it before you!" fred told her.

she scoffed, "sure, 5 galleons?"

fred nodded.

easy money, she thought.

"i'll try first then, yeah?" maeve asked.

"of course, ladies first!" fred said chivalrously, summoning his inner gryffindor.

maeve smirked, "expecto patronum!" she said, thinking about her first kiss with fred, back in their third year like she always did.

"you did it first try?" fred asked her, his jaw touching the floor from his shock.

"no, stupid! i've been able to do it for as long as harry has. but regardless, a bet is a bet!" she grinned cheekily.

"you dick!" he shouted.

"calling me a bitch would have been funnier, considering. jeez, now i'm funnier than you as well!" she chuckled.

fred scoffed, "ok, you cheated me out of 5 galleons. now you need to help me with this spell so i can at least get some money off of george!"

maeve laughed and obliged.

"you need to think of an extremely happy memory, not some average one ok?" she told him.

"what do you think of?" he asked her.

"uh-" maeve turned bright pink, "that's not important!"

"i mean, it kinda is. i need some kind of reference on how happy to make the memory." he told her, looking skeptical of her reaction.

"i thought about my first kiss!" she said quickly.

fred looked less enthusiastic than he had been a few seconds ago, until he said "i was your first kiss, wasn't i?"

she nodded, unable to make eye contact with him.

"oh," he said eloquently, "maybe i should try that as well then."

they both knew that he was joking, but he went ahead and tried it. to both of their surprise, a hyena burst out of fred's wand. they looked at each other in shocked, not being able to process that it had actually worked.

just as fred was bout to shout to george in order to boast about his achievements, a loud crack sounded from somewhere in the room.

multiple heads looked around the room, trying to find someone that had accidentally made a mistake with the spell. whilst trying to find the culprit, more deafening cracks blasted through the room.

all of a sudden, dobby (a house elf) appeared next to harry. the room was deathly silent.

"harry potter must run!" the house elf warned, "professor umbridge knows!"

the members of dumbledore's army froze.

"you heard him!" harry roared, "run!"

fred and maeve looked at each other and made a run for it, grabbing onto each other's hands.


their group had been found out by umbridge. she had caught harry after marietta edgecomb, a ravenclaw in the year below maeve who was best friends with cho chang, ratted them out. umbridge had found the list of names and rounded all of the students present up for detentions.

these detentions were just like the ones maeve had had at the beginning of the year. somehow she had stayed on umbridge's good side since then and after her two weeks, she had no more detentions.

they were just as bad as she remembered. the pain from the blood quill, as she had found out it was called after harry had written to sirius about them, was worse than she remembered.

she now had a new scar on the back of her right hand. one of them said 'i must not tell lies' and her newest one said 'i must not go against my headmistress'.

yeah, that's right. umbridge was now the headmistress of hogwarts. after she found out about the list, dumbledore had gone on the run because he had taken the fall for harry and claimed that he founded dumbledore's army.

maeves first detention was finally over. she wiped her bloody hand and walked out of umbridge's office, where she left eddie and harvey behind. she was ,er with the face of fred weasley.

"why didn't you tell me about this?" fred asked.

"what do you mean?" said maeve tiredly.

"when you had your detentions at the start of the year i asked you what was wrong and you didn't tell me! you should have, i could've-" fred yelled.

"you couldn't have help, fred! it was my own fault i had so many anyway!" she told him.

"how was it your fault?" fred asked her. he didn't think she was right since she had just been defended her brother.

"i took all of harry's so he didn't have to have them. it's fine though, it's all in the past!" maeve told him.

fred didn't agree and he wanted to fight her in it but knew that it wasn't worth it.

"ok, evie. i'll walk your back to ravenclaw tower," fred told her, grabbing her hand as they walked away.

behind them, eddie walked out of umbridge's office, having heard their whole conversation, "they are painfully obvious" he mentioned to his boyfriend.

keira's note!
i have six chapters left to write how exciting
well four and two epilogues.
hope you enjoyed!

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