xvii. merry st mungo's

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maeve woke up in the morning and looked around in confusion. wasn't she meant to be at hogwarts? memories of the hectic night before flooded into her mind. memories of being woken up by mcgonagall, coming back to grimmauld place, learning that mr weasley had been attacked. memories of cheering up fred and-

no. she couldn't think of that- it was wrong of her to have ever kissed fred.

maeve looked at her self in the bathroom mirror after cleaning her teeth. she smiled, though it was obviously fake. walking back into her room, she grabbed a jumper, some jeans and a scrunchie. she pulled her hair into a presentable plait and quickly changed, before running into the dining room.

somehow she was one of the first people awake. she was grateful since she wouldn't have to awkwardly see fred at the dining table but it did mean that she would have to make breakfast for everyone. she sighed, greeting sirius and tonks who had showed up early that morning.

deciding to make a simple breakfast, maeve cut up some fruit- strawberries and mango- before making the pancake mix.

while she was cooking, mrs weasley entered the house to tell everyone that mr weasley was completely fine and that they could all visit him later that day.

as soon as everyone had eaten their pancakes, the people that stayed in pyjamas hurried upstairs to change into presentable clothes and they all left the house, with the exception of sirius and remus. sirius because he couldn't and remus because he wanted to keep sirius company.

the nine wizards and witches stepped onto the platform. they all got onto a train together. to noones surprise, they were unable to all get seats together. harry ended up with only tonks and ginny and maeve were also separated from the group. everyone else did manage to sit together though. 

sitting opposite two random people, ginny turned to maeve, "i didn't realise that yours and fred's argument was so bad," she said to her.

"what do you mean?" maeve asked, "we made up yesterday."

"did you?" ginny looked surprised, "you both turn red when you look at each other. i assumed it was just anger or something,"

maeve turned red once again and they spent the rest of the train journey in silence, not that it was too long.

the group got out at their fourth stop, following tonks, who was at the front of the front of their herd. maeve had grabbed ginny's hand. the younger girl had assumed that it was because she didn't want to lose her, though it was actually so maeve wouldn't get lost or if she did, they'd be lost together.

after almost an hour of walking, they reached the place where st mungos was hidden. in a weird way, maeve was really excited to go there. obviously it wasn't a desirable place to be- no one wanted to be injured there or visited injured friends and family- but maeve had wanted to work their since she was 6 and had learned about it from her uncle remus.

the wizards entered a derelict building, and it revealed the hospital of the wizarding world. as tonks grabbed ginny and her elbows to transport them to the floor mr weasley was staying, maeve couldn't help but fangirl.

they went to he front desk and mrs weasley stepped forward, asking where they should go. the receptionist told them to go to the first floor and the group of magical people following their instructions.

"we'll wait out her, molly," tonks said, "arthur will get overwhelmed with too many visitors- go for family first."

harry and maeve stayed back with tonks and moody until mrs weasley gestured for them to come in as well, "don't be silly, arthur'll want to talk to you as well,"

they entered the ward together and saw mr weasley as the end of the room. maeve smiled at me weasley and waved slightly before standing near the back and watching the weasley greet their dad (or husband in mrs weasleys case).

they stayed only for a half hour, until all of the teenagers decided that they were hungry or thirsty. ginny, ron and harry all went to get cups of tea while maeve was forced to go with fred and george to get slices of cake for everyone.

as the two groups parted ways, maeve heard ron say, "that was bloody awkward. what the hells gotten into maeve and fred?"

the people in question went red at the comment and george, who was obviously well versed in what had happened cackled loudly.


a few days later, it was christmas day in grimmauld place. everyone had stayed there since it was easier than them going back to hogwarts or to their actual house. remus was on a mission for the order, so maeve would have been staying with sirius anyway, unlike harry and the weasleys who would have been going to the burrow.

the day had started with ginny jumping onto maeve's bed and screaming about how it was christmas until maeve had pushed her off of the bed. all of this commotion had led to harry, ron, fred and george going into their room and all of them waking everyone up to open presents.

it had taken seconds to convince sirius to wake up since he was basically just as childish as them, if not more so. mrs weasley, on the other hand, had taken forever for them to wake up.

eventually, at 8 o'clock in the morning, they all trecked downstairs to see the presents. the living room was almost overflowing with presents but, considering how many people were staying in the house (eight), it seemed reasonable.

the presents had been put into piles for each person. maeve made her way over to her heap of presents. she had received some new classic books from hermione, both being ones she had always wanted to read- frankenstein and pride and prejudice. harry had bought her some new rolls of parchment and a book about healers. ron and george had both purchased lots of chocolate for her and like every year, they had both stolen some of it from her afterwards. mr and mrs weasley had given her some treacle fudge and a hand knitted weasley jumper. the jumper was in ravenclaw colours, navy blue with a silver m on it. sirius and remus had got her a collaborative present- books, ink and some knew clothes. from ginny, she got a few new makeup items. fred and carried on the tradition of giving her charms for a charm bracelet he had gotten her and eddie got her a signed copy of their favourite weird sisters vinyl album.

just as she though she had opened all of her presents, she heard ginny tell her that she had another present, one that had accidentally been out in her pile.

maeve unwrapped it carefully for it to reveal a pair of sapphire earrings. she felt her face heat up as she opened a letter that came with them and found out that they were from noel miller. she smiled to herself and put them in quickly.

"how do they look?" she asked ginny.

"very nice!" complimented ginny, "who are they from?"

"oh, they were from noel," maeve replied, hearing ginny say a teasing 'oooooh' and seeing fred glare slightly from the corner of her eye.

the rest of the day continued like a normal christmas- they ate too much dinner and shared stories. maeve sighed contently. she could get used to this environment, with no umbridge.

keira's note!
omg this took me toooo long to write!
hope it was decent idk
peace out ig

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