xx. valentines

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valentine's day had never been enjoyable for maeve. she had somehow spent every single one of them single and without a date.

usually, her and eddie would just eat ice cream and have another of their legendary sleepovers, but his year eddie had better things to do. namely, snogging his boyfriend.

instead, maeve would be eating ice cream by herself and crying into her pillow about how love sucked, even though she didn't usually feel like that.

when she had told the golden trio (her brother and his two friends) about her plans, ron had said "but you're single everyday of the year, why's today any different?" and almost made maeve punch him. hermione did not have any plans either but her little brother was going on his first date.

his first date was going to be with cho chang, a very pretty ravenclaw who was the seeker on their quidditch team. harry had been crushing on cho for almost two years by that point, so maeve was very happy for him, albeit slightly jealous about how he wasn't alone like her.

the morning of february fourteenth, maeve sat alone at the ravenclaw table angrily eating a bowl of cheerio's. they were improving her mood ever so slightly, since they were her favourite cereal.

maeve made eye contact with fred from across the room. he grinned at her and started walking over, looking slightly nervous.

her attention was pulled away from him when a cough came from behind her. she turned around and was face to face with noel miller.

"hey, noel!" she said cheerfully.

"hello maeve," he replied, "i was wondering if you wanted to go to hogsmede with me today? as a date."

maeve was surprised since she thought that his crush on her had gone, "yeah, sure. that sounds great!" she said enthusiastically, though she wasn't entirely sure that she did want to.

"i'll meet you at the entrance in an hour?" he asked her.

maeve nodded and waved goodbye.

fred and finally reached her and said, "hey, evie. what did miller want?"

"he asked me on a date!" she smiled.

fred's face dropped, "oh. that's nice. i should probably let you get ready then, huh."

"no, i have time to know what you were gonna say," she told him.

"oh, it doesn't matter anymore," he told her, and he walked away.

that was weird maeve thought, but she ran up to her dormitory and started finding clothes that she could wear.

in the end, she decided to be cheesy and wore a like pink dress and a denim jacket. she put on some cream coloured pumps and applied some lipgloss, pulling her hair up into a ponytail.

this had taken her the full hour, so she rushed down to the entrance hall to meet noel.

"hey!" he said to her, "you look really really pretty!"

noel also looked really pretty. he wore some tight jeans and a button up top. his smile was the biggest she had seen it in ages.

"thank you!" she replied, cheeks growing warm, "so do you!"

noel chuckled as he grabbed her hand, "not handsome?"

"normalise calling boys pretty, please," maeve shot back cheerfully.

not even a full minute into their date, she was feeling awkward. his hands were soft, probably since he didn't play quidditch. however, their hands didn't fit together well, making it feel as if she needed to rearrange her position. her tried to brush it off but the thought of their awkward hands stayed present in the back of her mind. along with that feeling, a voice reminded her how right holding hands with fred felt.

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