thank you!

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hello readers! (if there even are any lmao)

firstly, sorry for how short and bad this was. i mean it was always meant to be short but the whole bad aspect developed over time.

i wrote this while we were in lockdown (probably quite obvious since i'm always like 'stay safe!!!') and it took me a week which is unimportant but it's my only achievement ever so i'm flexing about it here :)

i really hope you enjoyed the whole story and it lived up to any expectations that you had.

i thought i'd do a section like omg what happened next or what would've happened if fred didn't die so here it goes.

olivia is like not quite a year younger than teddy lupin so i honestly believe that they would fall in love or something. liv was probs a gryffindor.

if fred hadn't died, they still would've had olivia but i think they would want a fairly big family and have like four other kids. a boy, a girl and then twins that were one of each.

their first boy would be called arthur james or something along those lines. the next girl would be delilah angelina or something along those lines because of the old flower thing that lily's family had. the twins would be remus edward and chloe ginerva. these were off the top of my head so don't judge cuz they're just names i thought sounded nice together.

thank you so so much for reading!


ps i'm fully aware of how cringy this was- it was on purpose most of the time lmao

pps big thanks to @butterflylies who had to deal with me ranting abt this while i wrote it love u 💞💞

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