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weeks after the war, ginny weasley was trying to make maeve feel better.

both of them were still mourning and they had decided that they needed some type of new look, to feel fresh.

maeve chickened out at the last moment but ginny had carried on, cutting her long hair to her shoulders.

ginny turned around, "how do i look?"

just as maeve went to say something along the lines of 'incredible', she turned to the open toilet and threw up.

"oh, wow, do i look that bad?" ginny asked, starting to worry about her impromptu makeover.

maeve was still throwing up into the toilet, but as soon as she stopped and wiped her mouth, she reassured ginny that she looks great.

"sorry, i've been throwing up loads recently. i think it's the stress or something." maeve told her, a weak smile on her face.

ginny took her word for it, though deep down she knew that was not the case.


a few days after, she was at george's house. they talked about how they were feeling, both understanding each other more than anyone else understood them.

maeve told george about how sick she had been feeling recently when he said, "well, i'm not the most experienced in pregnancy but do you think that you could be? it sounds like what mum used to tell us about."

the idea resonated with maeve as she thought for a few minutes.

"maybe," she said when she realised that her period had been skipped.

the idea of pregnancy scared her. she was only nineteen, almost twenty. she didn't have a proper job yet, she was still training to be a healer. not only that, but she was all alone. she didn't have fred anymore and she couldn't raise a baby by herself.

but it also sounded great. having her own piece of fred with her for the rest of her life would be a blessing and she had always wanted to be a mother.

"should we go to st mungos to find out or something?" he asked.

"we can go to a muggle shop. they sell pregnancy tests, it'll be easier. i have some muggle money. do you want to go now?" she asked, nerves building up inside her.

george nodded and off they went.

"how does this work?" george asked as they walked back to his flat.

"i need to wee on it and then we wait a few minutes." she said, smiling at him nervously.

"what will i do if i am, george?" she asked.

"i'll be here the whole time, mae. don't worry, we'll get through it," he reassured.

five minutes later, the pregnancy test had two clear lines on it.

"oh," said maeve.

"what? what does it say?" george asked her frantically.

"it says that you're about to be an uncle," maeve told him simply, getting a hug from him.


"you can do it, maeve! you know that everyone's gonna support you right? and if they don't then they're going to have to deal with me!" george reassured maeve as they stood at the front door of the burrow.

"i know, i cant really help the nerves though. what do i even say?" maeve panicked.

"what about 'i'm pregnant'?" george asked her sarcastically.

maeve breathed in deeply as she opened the front door, "hey, it's maeve and george!"

"oh, hello dears!" molly weasley greeted, hugging them both, "everyone else is in the living room, dinner will be ready in an hour or two!"

maeve nodded, too scared to say anything else. her and george followed molly into the living room, sitting on the floor together even though george looked like he wanted to argue.

"hey mae!" ginny said to her. ginny was now dating harry, making her even more like her sister than before, "are you feeling better?"

"feeling better?" harry questioned, looking worried. all attention was on their conversation since no one had seen maeve in a while.

"yeah, i am thanks, gin. don't worry haz, i was just a little bit ill," maeve reassured, a smile on her face that didn't reach her eyes.

george coughed slightly, elbowing her gently, "tell them now," he whispered so that no one could hear.

maeve nodded and took a second to brace herself. when george noticed that maeve wasn't saying anything, he took it upon himself to start the conversation.

"maeve has something to tell everyone!" he annnounced, making her glare at him. however, she was glad that she didn't have to capture everyone's attention.

"thanks, george!" maeve smiled sarcastically, "um- i was going to tell everyone after dinner but i guess george just can't wait! um- the other week i wasn't feeling that great and george said that he thought i might be- uh- sorry i don't really now how to say it. basically, i'm pregnant."

the reactions of her family were all a bit delayed. ginny was the first person that it seemed to sink in for as she hugged maeve and shouted 'congratulations!'. mr weasley was the next as he immediately offered his seat to the pregnant teen. fred's brothers all hugged her, as did hermione.

"oh that's fabulous dear!" mrs weasley gushed, "how far along are you?"

"uh- about 15 weeks. i'm due december/january time," she exhaled in relief, though she still hadn't got her brothers reaction.

"i'm really happy for you mae!" harry said to her, finally bringing her into a hug.


telling her brother and fred's family and gone well and they had supported her through the six and a half months that remained of her pregnancy.

it was hard for maeve, there was no denying that. she had cried herself to sleep many times, thinking that she would be an awful mother and that she just couldn't do this alone.

she was also over the moon though. she already loved the baby growing inside of her and hoped that she wouldn't screw it all up.

maeve had moved in with george while she was heavily pregnant and she would stay there until the baby turned six months old.

it had been a cold night at the beginning of january when maeves water had broken and her contractions started. her and george had gone to st mungos immediately and their family had met them there.

after 15 hours of labour, olivia selene weasley was born with a tuft of black her like her mum and bright blue eyes like her dad.

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