Chapter 18

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Elsa's POV

It's been a couple of days since we came back from Arendelle and I noticed that Honeymaren has been acting a little strange. Of course, she's still sweet and playful, she just acts differently. When she hugs me she holds me a little longer and zones out a lot more than usual. We've been training and even then she's acting differently, she seems rushed. Today is going to have a special birthday dinner for Yelana, so Honey, Ryder, and I are going to attempt to make a chocolate cake.

"Okay now that we have all of the ingredients out, lets begin," Ryder says clapping his hands. "Okay first we need to make the batter," Honey says. She looks really good in an apron. "Okay there's all the dry ingredients now the liquids," Ryder says and I use another bowl to mix the liquids. "Okay now let's mix them," Honey says then I hand her the bowl and she pours it into the other bowl and starts mixing. "Elsa?"
"Huh?" I say and turn to look at Ryder who had a smirk on his face. "Do you want to pour the batter?" He asks me, handing me a pan. "Sure," I say and pour the batter into the pan. "Okay, I'm going to go take it to the oven," Ryder says and walks out leaving Honeymaren and me alone in the big kitchen tent. "Hi," I say giving her a smile. "Hi." My jeez, it's like we haven't ever met, and she's my girlfriend. "Are you okay," I ask and walk over to her. I grab her hand and she looks down. "Of course." She says giving me a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes. I give her an unconvinced smile and she softly kisses me. Her lips are so soft. She gently pulls away and smiles. "Better?"
"Way better," I say and she laughs. Ryder walks back into the tent and smiles at us. "Okay everything is set I'm going to go get grandmother," Ryder says and slips away. "Let's go sit down," I say and gently tug Maren towards the tables. I sit down on the bench and she follows. "She's here," Maren says to me and I turn to see Ryder and Yelana walking towards the tables where the entire village was sitting.

"I would like to thank everyone who helped organize the get to together and I would like to thank the spirits for this joyful day," Yelana says from the head of the long table. "I'm going to go help Ryder with the cake. I'll be right back." Maren says giving me a kiss on the cheek before and walking over to Ryder. How did I end up with someone as amazing as her? "Hi, Elsa!" I look to my right and see Vicky looking up at me with a toothy grin. "Hi Vicky," I say and he giggles. "Where's Mare?" He asks me excitedly. "She went to go get a surprise for Yelana," I say and smiles. "Do you and Mare kiss a lot?" He asks me innocently catching me off guard. "Ummm....." I say awkwardly and he giggles. "It's okay my mommy told me that when two people love each other they kiss a lot." He says. "Yeah I love her very much," I admit and he smiles widely. "Yay!! I know that she loves you a lot too but sometimes she looks sad." He says his face getting sad. "Really?" I ask him and he nods. "I think she's scared." He says. "Of what?"
"That you'll leave too." He says and it finally dawns on me. She had started acting strangely after we left Arendelle. Is it because I told her I miss being there. Oh no, she thinks I'm going to leave her. "She loves you a lot she told me once." He says and I realized what he said. She loves me? Wait too? Who would ever want to leave her? My mind starts to fill with questions and I feel a small tug on my dress. "Are you okay?" Vicky's small voice asks me. "Yeah of course. Vicky, what do you mean by again?" I ask him and he looks at me with sorrow in his eyes. "She needs to tell you." He says. Wow, this kid is smart for his age. "Yeah you're right," I say and he grins at me proudly. "Look there's Mare!" He says pointing at Ryder and Maren carrying a large cake towards Yelana who looks surprised. "What's this?" She asks the siblings who put the cake down in front of her. "A special treat for your birthday," Honey says smiling. Honeymaren slices a piece and places it on Yelana's plate. Yelana takes a cautious bite before her eyes light up and she smiles. "It's delicious." She says and takes another bite.

After everyone had congratulated Yelana and given her gifts everyone was just talking and laughing. "I'll be right back love I'm going to go give Yelana her gift." She said and showed me a small polished sculpture of Yelana made of wood. "It beautiful Maren. She'll love it." I said and she smiled. She gives me a kiss and walks over to Yelana. "Wow, I've never seen Maren so happy. I'm glad she has you, Elsa." Ryder says from across the table. "Thanks, Ryder. I'm glad I have her." I say and he smiles. Suddenly his smile drops as he looks behind me. "What's wrong?" I ask and turn around to see a tall girl with black hair and green eyes. Almost exotic looking. "Ryder, who's that?" I ask as I look at the girl that I've never seen before. "Sara...." I hear someone whisper behind me. I look back to see Honeymaren with a pained look on her face. The girl seems to have heard Maren and immediately rushes towards her trying to hug her and pull her into a kiss. Who is this? And why is she trying to kiss my Honey? Maren pushes the girl away and the girl looks confused. "Didn't you miss me?" She asks Maren. "You left," Maren stated bluntly. "And you never know came back. You said you wouldn't leave, you lied." Maren said looking betrayed. I stood up and walked over to Maren, who looked like she was going to cry. I pulled her into a gentle hug and she hid her face in my neck. "Who's this?" The girl asked almost angrily. "That's Elsa, the fifth spirit andddd Maren's girlfriend," Ryder says standing up from the table smirking. The girl's face goes from angry to confused to pained. "What?" She says hurt. "Snowflake, this is Sara. She was my best friend and she's my ex." Maren says pulling away but setting her arm around my waist. "Honeymaren I'm so sorry for leaving. But I had already hurt you and I didn't want to do it again." Sara says sadly. "I forgive you." Honey said surprising everyone. "But you better not leave again." She states sternly and let's go of me to hug her. "Well okay. I guess that this is not only a birthday celebration but a welcome back." Says, someone. We turn to see Yelana standing there with a smile on her face. "Welcome back Sara," Yelana says her smile looking forced. "Thank you," Sara says. "Elsa, may I speak to you?" Yelana says looking a little worried. "Of course," I say and we walk towards the edge of the woods. "Look Elsa I'm not going to sugarcoat it. She's back for Honeymaren." She says cutting straight to the point. "Their relationship was completely toxic from the beginning. Everyone knew but Maren would not listen, I know you will take care of her because I can see the way you look at each other. With pure love in your eyes." She says and before I can say anything she cuts me off. "Sara likes to play dirty and she will if she finds the need to. So be careful." Yelana says then walks away, leaving me there too shocked to respond. After I finally snapped out of it I look over and see Sara's arm around Honeymarens shoulders and they're laughing. I see Ryder looking at me with an urgent look on his face and I walk over to him. He then pulls me over to an empty table and sits down. "I'm sure that Yelana already gave you the warning, but Elsa you need to understand that Sara is a complete bitch and she will try and take Maren away." He says shocking me. I've never heard Ryder talk like that. "Please protect her," Ryder asks me with pleading eyes. "Of course Ryder. I love her." I say and he smiles. "Thank you." He says and pulls me into a quick hug. "Come on now let's go rescue the damsel," I say jokingly. "We shall." He declares then takes my arm. We walk over to them and Honeymaren immediately pulls away from Sara to hold my hand. "I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm Sara." She says and sticks her hand out. "Elsa," I say and take her hand. I feel her slightly squeeze my palm and see her smirking. "Hey Elsa it's time for your show with the kids," Ryder says smirking. "Show!?" Maren and I say at the same time and he gives me a look. "Oh yeah. That show." I say, playing along and he nods. "I didn't know about any show," Maren says. "I know Honey. I wanted it to be a surprise for the kids." I said. "Oh okay, " she says still a little confused. "Okay let's go," Ryder says then starts pulling me towards where the children are sitting. "Ryder what am I supposed to do? I don't have anything planned." I say and he thinks for a second be for lighting up. "Before Kristoff taught me how to harvest ice he showed me some sculptures you made and then he told me about how you can make figurings around in the air." He says excitedly. "I guess I can do that but what exactly?" I ask and he shrugs. "Do animals. Kids love animals." He says then pulls me in front of the kids. They all look up at me expecting. "Hi," I say giving them a little wave. "I wanted to give you guys a little surprise. I hope you guys like it." My goodness, what am I doing?!? I take a breath and start to wave my hands around creating a rabbit that starts to hop around. The rabbit hops over to the kids and jumps around them as they laugh and giggle with wonder. I slowly start creating more and more animals. The kids look around in awe and play with the ice creatures. I see Vicky giggling and being chased by a sparkly baby reindeer figure. "Snowflake it's amazing." I hear Honeymaren's voice behind me. I feel her get closer and she wraps her arms around my waist and cuddles into me. I look over to where Ryder is playing with some kids but behind them I see Sara looking at us in shock and anger. I give her a small smile and she storms off and sits on a log next to the fire.

"Hey, love is it okay if Sara stays in my tent tonight? Since she doesn't have one." Honey asks me. "Sure but you're staying with me tonight," I say and she slightly blushes before smiling and nodding. "I'll go tell her." She says and goes over to Sara. She's so sweet. I promise to protect you, Honey. "Okay snowflake but she said she's okay with me staying there. I don't want to disturb you." Honey says once she gets back. Over her shoulder I see Sara smirking. "Honey you never disturb me," I say the continue without thinking. "I love you." Her eyes widen and she grins. "I love you too." She says then gets on her tippy toes to kiss me. I gently pull her closer and deepen the kiss. She pulls away and smiles. "I'll go tell Sara." She says and walks off.

"Well snowflake Sara is settled and it's late. We should probably get some sleep." She says and I nod. Man, it's pretty cold today. And that's saying a lot come from me. I shiver and Honey seems to notice this. "Are you cold?" She asks and quirks an eyebrow. "Only a little," I say and she giggles. "Wow, the ice queen is cold." She says and I give her a playful glare. She reaches for her bag and pulls out a Northuldra sweater with a colorful pattern on it. "Here." She says and tries to hand it to me. "No, then you'll be cold," I say and she chuckles. "I'm not cold Snowflake. I don't want you to get sick." She says and gently pulls it over my head. It smells like her. Is that weird? It smells like pine trees and maple. "Thanks, Honey," I say and smile. "Of course my queen. Now come on let's get some sleep." We slip under the covers and I pull her close to me. "Good night Snowflake, I love you." She says. "Good night Honey. I love you too." I respond and cuddle into her, quickly falling asleep.

Sorry for the late update but I hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

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