Chapter 24

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Honeymaren's POV

I sat down on the couch next to Kristoff after being shooed away by Anna, who wanted to talk to Elsa alone. "Hey, why don't we go into town?" Kristoff asks and Ryder and I perk up. "Yes." We say at the same time and he looks at us with a weird face. "Okay?" We both jump up from the vouch and Kristoff follows slowly. "You guys are excited. Is there something special going on?" He asks with a smirk. "Nope, it was just really fun last time," Ryder says and I nod my head agreeing with him. "Alright then lets go." We start heading towards the doors when the sound of giggles reaches us. "Where are you guys going?" Anna asks while Elsa is behind her looking a little red. "We're going into town," Kristoff says and I approach Elsa. "You okay snowflake?" I whisper and she smiles. "Yeah, I'm okay." She whispers back and Anna gives us a sly look. "Umm, why is Anna looking at us like that?" I whisper and she visibly blushes. "Oh, no reason. Just Anna being Anna." She says wincing a little. "Okay." I take her hand and give her a sweet smile, which she returns. "Hmm, why don't you guys go into town and Elsa helps me with some paperwork," Anna says gleefully. "Annnaaa."
"Oh come on it'll be fun. Just like old times." Elsa raises her eyebrow. "Anna you would sit on the desk complaining about Kristoff while I did all the work." She deadpans and Anna grins. "Exactly." Elsa looks her over before sighing. "Why can I just say no to you." She groans while Anna cheers. "Because I'm your little sister and you love me." Anna sings while bouncing around before taking Elsa's hand and running up the stairs. "Wait to complain about me!?!" Anna giggles and Elsa looks back at me and gives me a little wave before disappearing from sight.

"Well then lets go!" Kristoff says and we follow. As we walk out of the castle I speed up and catch up to Sara. "Sara I wanted to thank you for what you did.  I'm glad you came after us." I say and she smiles. "Of course Maren it's the least I can do." She says and we continue walking behind Ryder and Kristoff who were talking animatedly. "Sooo your gonna stay in Arendelle?" I say and she chuckles. "Yeah, I want a fresh start. Plus I heard that they sell something called chocolate here." She says excitedly. "Sara I have a question. You don't have to answer though." I say and she raises an eyebrow. "Okay shoot."
"How did you survive out there so long?" I ask and she smiles. "Well, I just used what you taught me. How to start a fire, skin and cook fish, and how to make bread." She says and I smile thinking about the good times before we had started dating. After she had left I had finally opened my eyes to how toxic the relationship was even though I missed her. "Hey, you still there? Hellooo." Sara waves a hand in front of my face. "I'm here," I say and she laughs. "Sure." She says and we continue walking. "You've changed a lot. You seem happier and much better at fighting."
"Hey I wasn't that bad," I whine and she laughs. "A ten-year-old could fight better." I huff and cross my arms like a child. "Whatever." She laughs and then smiles.

"Oh look we're here." She says as we walk into the town square where people were rushing all over the place. "Wait where are Ryder and Kristoff?" I ask once I realize that the boys had disappeared. "Umm oh right there." She says and I turn to see that they're by a stand selling fruits and vegetables. "Look they have plums!" She shouts excitedly and runs over to the boys. I chuckle and stop when I spot a familiar stand and a man with a big smile. I walk over to him and he smiles. "Why hello again. It's nice to see you."
"Likewise," I say with a smile. "So is she finally your girlfriend?" He asks with a mischievous glint in his eye. I laugh and nod. "Yeah, she is," I say and he grins. "Now that I think of it I never introduced myself. Hello, I'm Markus." He says and sticks his hand out. "Honeymaren," I say shaking his hand. "Well, Honeymaren I'm glad that you finally have the girl." He says and I smile just at the thought of Elsa. "Me too," I say and laugh. "Why don't you go over to Talula's. I hear the queen fancies chocolate." He says and walks me towards anther stand. "Talula!" He shouts happily to the woman who looks around my age. "Markus!" She replies with an equal amount of enthusiasm. "My friend here would like to try one of your delicious chocolates." He says and she chuckles. "Flattery nice one." She says then hands me small square-shaped chocolate. I slowly put it in my mouth and taste the sweet deliciousness. "Sooo what do you think?" She as with a grin on her face. "It's delicious," I say and she claps her hands. "I'm glad you like it..."
"I'm glad you like it Honeymaren." She says with a smile. "Can I have a box please?" I turn around and see Sara looking a little flustered and smiling. "Of course," Talula says and disappears into the back of the stand. "Sara, where did you even get the money?" I ask and she smirks. "Turns out I'm great at charades and Kristoff lost a bet." She says grinning. "I didn't know you like chocolate," I say and she scrunches her face in disgust. "No, it's disgusting." She says leaving me in confusion. "Then why are you getting it?" I ask and she laughs. "One it's for you to give to Elsa and two Talula is pretty cute." She says with a grin. "Sara!" I yell and she clutches her stomach laughing. "Okay, here you go." Talula returns and Sara composes herself. "Thank you." She says and hands Talula a handful of coins before handing the box to me. "Aww, that's sweet. Getting some chocolate for your lover." Talula says and Sara and I look at each other before we burst out laughing. "Noooo just friends. That is for her lady." Sara says wiggling her eyebrows. "Oh whatever," I say while they giggle. "Here you are." I hear Kristoff say and see him approaching with Ryder, Olaf, and Sven. "I think we should go back to the castle. I'm sure Elsa is praying that you come rescue her Maren." Ryder says and Kristoff laughs. "Yeah he's probably right," Kristoff says and we start saying our goodbyes.

"Hey, Kristoff?"
"Can we make one more stop before we go inside?" He looks at me with a confused face and nods. "Hey, guys we'll catch up with you. Maren is gonna help me with something." He days and the others nod before they keep walking. "Okay, what's up?"
"Do you think I can get flowers from the garden?" I ask and he smiles. "Yeah, of course, let's go." He says and leads me through a wooden door and into a huge garden. "Wow it's beautiful," I say in awe of the colorful flowers and plants surrounding us. "Yeah, it really is." He says and gestures towards all the flowers. I place the box of chocolates on a stone bench and take my knife out of my pocket. I gently take a flower and bring it close to my nose to smell the sweet scent. I cut the stem and after repeating the process I have a medium-sized bouquet of beautiful colorful flowers. I take a small rope from my pocket and gently tie it around the flowers to keep them together. "Okay all done." I grin at Kristoff and pick up the box of chocolates. "After you." He says and puts a hand out in front of him. We walk back through the wooden door and into the castle.

"Wow Maren I didn't know you were such a romantic," Ryder says when he sees me. "Well, what can I say bro. I'm in love. I just hope she likes it." I say and he smiles softly. "I'm sure she will."
"Who will like what?!" Sara comes from around the corner. "Aww, that's sweet. I'm sure she'll love it." Sara says and before I can thank her we hear giggles and footsteps coming down the stairs. Right, when I see her I realize how much I had missed her while we were gone, even though it was just a couple hours. When she sees me her eyes widen slightly and she smiles. "Hey Snowflake," I say and she giggles. "Hey Honey." She says and walks over to me. I pull her into a hug and bury my face into her neck. "Missed me?" She teased. "Definitely," I say and pull back to show her the flowers and chocolate. "Honey, what's this?" She asks with a teasing voice. "This is for you, love," I say and she giggles like a kid. "Really?"
"Yep," I say and hand her the flowers and chocolates. She smiles and then sighs. "You know you didn't need to do this, right?" She said and I nod. "Yeah, but I wanted to," I say and she smiles softly before getting a mischievous glint in her eye. "Let's go out this in my room." She says giving me a sultry look. "Umm okay." I gulp and she puts the flowers in one hand before taking mine and dragging me upstairs. I look back at Ryder who's grinning and giving me two thumbs up and at Anna who's smirking. Oh gosh.

I hope you liked this chapter :)

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