Chapter 4: Human Mates

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Ryder's POV

I smiled at I walked into the pack house. So many different things are happening at once as usual. The kids were running around chasing each other, as usual, and everyone knew that sooner or later they would all fall down the stairs, somehow all at once, breaking each other's fall.

"Hey slow down guys! We don't need another incident."

"Ryder's home!" I smiled as the kids came running towards me, knowing they were gonna try to tackle me as usual. I kneeled down and pretended their weight was actually pulling me down.

"I got some exciting news for you guys later."

"What's it about?" One of the kids, Hunter, asked.

"It may or may not be about a special girl you guys have been waiting for..."

Children werewolves, even though they haven't shifted yet, have a special bond with their Luna. A Luna is a woman head of a pack, and the children see her as a motherly figure. Young girls especially see their Luna as a role model, and a female to look up to.

All the children screamed at the same time, "A Luna?!"

I winked and put a finger to my lips signaling them not to tell anyone, making them gasp.

I knocked on my dad's office door and came in not surprised to see him and my mom looking through pack stuff.

"How was school, sweetie?" My mom asked as she hugged me.

"It was good...really good. I have something to tell you guys." I couldn't hold back my smile any longer.

"Is it what you're all smiley about? Oh my goodness, tell us righ-"

"Honey he'll tell us as soon as you give him the chance to." My dad chuckled and my mom rolled her eyes but stopped speaking signaling me to continue.

"I found my mate."

"WHERE? WHAT'S HER NAME? I'm so happy for you!"

"Ryder that's amazing, where did you meet her?"

"I met her at school this morning. Her name's Jasmine."

"That's a beautiful name. We're so happy for you, Ryder." My mom pulled me into another hug.

"I didn't think you'd meet her at school, you've been in this school for almost four years, if your mate was that close I thought you would have found her." My dad spoke.

"Yeah that's the thing, she's new. Today was her first day." I explained.

"Wait...we didn't get any information about a new werewolf family in the territory...which means,-"

"Yeah dad, she's not a werewolf, she's human."

"Oh." Both my parents said at the same time.

"I mean is that a bad thing? Why does it matter?"

They must have seen I was disappointed with their reaction and they immediately smiled.

"No, sweetie of course not! A mate is a mate. Things will just be different with a human mate. Nothing too serious. Basically just the stuff leading up to the mating process."

"We can explain everything to you but first I want you to know that we are happy for you that you found her, and the pack will be too." My dad smiled and I nodded as my mom began to explain.

"Ok well first off, a human doesn't have a wolf and you know that your wolf is the one who tells you it's your mate, can speak with your mates wolf, and is a big reason you feel the things you do around your mate. Because your mate doesn't have a wolf, she will still feel all the feelings you feel, just not as extreme as you. Your wolf won't be able to speak with hers, but you'll still be able to mind link eventually."

"Wait...she doesn't feel what I feel?"

My dad shook his head, "She does, son. She feels the connection, she'll feel the love, everything else but not as strongly as a werewolf with a wolf will. However, she will feel it once you two mate, that's also when you will be able to mind link."

"Oh well that's good. I was worried it would be like that for a long time."

My mom spoke, "Well Ryder, it might. She's human; you can't mate with her as quickly as two werewolf mates mate. She doesn't get that you're made for each other yet. The romantic relationship you build with her will have to be similar to those of humans where you take it slow, give each other time to decide your feelings, decide that you really do love each other, then mate. I know you like her, and I know she likes you. But right now, this connection you guys have is new to her. She doesn't understand why she feels the way she does so quickly, and that might be frightening to her."

"Yes and eventually you'll have to tell her about our world and that itself is a lot to take in. Just be conscious of what you do and what you say around her. And control your wolf. Trust me, that won't be easy." said my dad.

"But I'm good at controlling my wolf."

My dad nodded agreeing with me, "You're good at controlling your wolf when it comes to not letting him take control when you're angry or when something upsets him. But you haven't experienced what it's like to control your wolf when you're around your mate. Your wolf won't understand the taking it slow thing, he'll want to quickly mate with her. It won't be bad in the beginning but when you start to become more intimate with your mate, not exactly sex, but the physical things that you'll do before it, it'll be hard to control your wolf and to stop when it's time. Also your wolf will become protective of her. He'll want to do everything he can to keep her safe and to protect what he feels is his, and if something violates that, he won't hesitate to react. I know you can do it, I'm just telling you that it will be hard."

I nodded letting them know I understand everything. "So when can I tell the pack?"

"Tonight at dinner would be best because everyone's around. They'll want to know when they can meet her though. Do you think you can get her to come to your induction as Alpha next weekend?"

"Well what do I tell her it is?"

"Say it's a late 18th birthday party with friends and family."

I nodded, "Ok yeah if I tell her the rest of the senior pack members are coming she'll think nothing of it. I'll ask her."

"We're excited to meet her, son. She'll be good for you. Any mate is."

My dad smiled as he looked at my mom. I'm so glad that one day I'll have that.


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