Kai HCs

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Kai wears reading glasses; change my mind

He taught Nya how to blacksmith and she ended up being way better than him at it

Kai tries on Lloyd's green ninja gi when he's not around

Craves tteokbokki every other day

Pours milk before cereal to piss everyone off

Has deleted Jay's gamer progess on more than one occassion so he could come out on top

You'd think his hair's so damaged based on how much product he uses but it's actually super healthy

Has spied on Jay and Nya on more than one occassion

Actually a pretty decent chef if you're okay with spicy dishes

He secretly envies Cole's buffness

Seems like the person who'd take the last slice of pizza, and go "Oops," without even meaning it

He snacks on trail mix almost every day

He likes to knit in secret, and has knitted each ninja some form of clothing at some point. They ask him who made it, the workmanship is amazing, Kai just shrugs and says, "Oh, just this little boutique downtown..."

Matcha Boba is his serotonin

He definitely owns several fanny packs

He's actually not too fond of sweets but he does like saltwater taffy

Has a large mirror attached to the ceiling above his bed so he can admire his own reflection 

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