Cole HCs

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Would eat cake for breakfast, lunch and dinner if he could

Is a big fan of 80/90s music, and disco

When no one's around he puts on a concert in front of his mirror reflection

He went around, switching everyone's ringtones to him singing "Gloworm."

Foregets he's no longer a ghost and bumps into walls pretty often

Sleepwalks to the fridge at midnight

Before Lilly died, she and Cole would go hiking every weekend and then have cake at a bakery downtown, deepening Cole's love of earth and climbing mountains and cake

This mf writes poetry change my mind

Dad jokes 24/7

A lover of soap dramas

Bear hugsss

Likes to do morning yoga

Ties his hair back in training (TLNM Cole style) 

He likes collecting vintage albums and hanging them up on his wall

Lou put Cole in for classes the minute he could walk, and now Cole specialises in tap, ballet, jazz and some musical theatre plus contemporary. He can also play the piano and trumpet.

His wardrobe mainly consists of hoodies and loose joggers

When the Bounty is high up in the sky above the sea, Cole loves taking a running leap and jumping off the deck and into the cold waters below

He falls asleep watching gameshows with Mrs Benedict laying on his chest

Likes to start the day with a jog throughout Ninjago City with Nya

As a child, Cole loved helping Lilly cook, especially making cakes. He'd be the official taste-tester.

As a child, Lou would take Cole and Lilly to all his performance, and they'd cheer the loudest for him.

After Lilly's death, Cole and Lou slowly grew apart, reconciling their relationship after Cole gained his true potential.

He records livestreams while on patrols.

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