Hydroelectric HCs

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LAST UPDATED: 25/05/2021

Sometimes Nya will sneak into Jay's room after everyone had gone to bed, and the two will just cuddle.

Those two love cuddling up together, with cups of tea, or mugs of hot chocolate.

They love climbing on the roof, and just lay there, stargazing.

Normally Nya likes to wear Jay's clothes around the house.

Jay loves braiding his water lily's hair as she reads out random af facts from a book.

Sometimes, those two will watch sappy romance movies, and eat Cole's cake.

When they first moved to the monastery, Jay made sure his room was right next to Nya's...and the bathroom.

Before Ray and Maya were taken, they were very good friends with Libber and Gordon

Whenever it rains, Nya drags Jay outside and the two just dance in the rain and everyone thinks they've gone PSYCHO

Whenever Nya's cold, Jay can tell, and he always puts socks on her feet while she's asleep. (*cough*B99*cough*)

Jay and Nya are super competitive, and it fuels them even more.

Jay smooth talks well, which pisses Nya off and causes her to become flustered

Before getting together, they'd often accidentally bump into each other in the kitchen in the middle of the night, and they'd have close heart-to-hearts

Jay's a sleep hugger, so whenever they sneak into each other's rooms at night, Nya has to fight against time to gently wriggle out of Jay's arms before someone comes in

Jay is terrified of Ray and hates being alone in a room with him, however, he gets along with Maya quite well and learnt how to make her signature muffins.

Ed and Edna absolutely love it when Jay brings Nya over, and discuss weddings and baby names.
"Ooh, how about...Daniel!"
"Mom, we're teenagers!"

After Skybound, Wu thought it'd be best if Nya and Jay came clean to the others. This resulted in a huge fight as Nya wanted to tell the others but Jay didn't. But in the end, they came around and compromised.

Nya always shows off when Jay's around, and he finds it very hot- 😳

They have these really nerdy conversations and everyone's like, "Wut-". Then Zane and Pixal join in and it gets even more technical and confusing.

Jay and Nya are the type of couple to start dancing out of nowhere in public.

They love sitting in either of their rooms, making blueprints for new mechs/vehicles/weapons

They have these long heart-to-heart conversations when they're alone

They buy one milkshake and drink it with two straws

They love star gazing and making fake Star constellation names

Nya often cuts herself accidentally quite often when working on mechs. Jay fusses over them, kissing each wound and plastering them up

Nya generally will somehow find any excuse to wear Jay's shirt to bed.

THEY NAME THEIR KID FRITZ™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™

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