Nya HCs

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Rides her motorbike through Ninjago City at nighttime

Always pushes herself to the limits to prove she's more than just "Kai's little sister." She doesn't like being stuck in his shadow

Couldn't fluently speak English so Kai had to teach her

As a toddler she was always fascinated with water, it was so adorable.

She secretly likes experimenting with makeup

She likes expression affection through acts rather than words

The first to enter the training room and the last one to leave

Nya always feels envious when she sees little girls with their parents, because it reminds her of what she didn't have growing up

Kid!Nya: she loved sneaking out of the house during storms and coming home hours later completley drenched in rainwater and mud

Adores sushi

Has several ao dais in her wardrobe, plus her mother's old cookbooks

Loads of piercings in her ears

Speaks fluent sarcasm

She loves watching the clouds pass and stargazing

Absolute resting bitch face

Has become a role model for little girls all over Realm

As a baby she'd hog everything and refuse to give it back. She was also a picky eater as a child too.

She has binged almost everything on Netflix.

Growing up, Nya didn't have many friends; she sorta just kept to herself. Her best friend was Kai and vice versa

High-ish pain tolerance

Constantly craves spicy buldak noodles

Sis can hold grudges for everrr

Between S5 and start of S6, she was always referred to as "Kai's sister," or the "Girl ninja," or the "Blue Ninja's Girlfriend." She got competitive with her teammates, trying to outshine so she could put a name out for herself.

" She got competitive with her teammates, trying to outshine so she could put a name out for herself

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