Platonic GreenWater HCs

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Lloyd is the first person Nya goes to when she needs to secretly fangirl about Jay being romantic

Lloyd ALWAYS gets the last say in Nya's wardrobe choices on her and Jay's date.
"I still think you should wear the blue one. Jay will be drooling before you two even do anything!"

Lloyd learnt how to braid by braiding Nya's hair and a bunch of YT videos.

Nya always picks up an issue of Starfarer for Lloyd when she's out running errands

S15 SPOILER: After visiting her parents, Nya sorta crashes onto Lloyd's bed and complains about the tofu pancakes and bacon seaweed her mother has her eat whenever she visits. Lloyd ends up letting her have some sweets from his stash

So... if one of them were upset, they'd be in a mood. The other would know what's going on, and once it's their free time, they'd go and comfort the other with milk and cookies, and they just talk it out, and it always ends with a hug.

When the both or one of them is just having trouble sleeping, Kai sings them to sleep. They either go up to him and be like, "I can't sleep," or they play the audio of Kai singing to them through their earphones and it helps them.

After the Nadakkhan incident, Lloyd was hunting for Nya's sweet stash when he found the wedding dress that had somehow ended up there. Confused, he asked Nya who kept saying it was nothing, Lloyd just kept asking and asking and gave up. However that same night, when he went to get a drink, he saw Nya at the counter after she'd had a nightmare, about Nadakkhan. The two went out on the deck to talk about it and she'd burst out crying whenever she thought about saying 'Aye' on gun point, and the what-ifs; what if Jay wished Nadakkhan wasn't a djinn?What if he'd wished Nya well? So Lloyd just hugs her tightly and said that the best option was to come out to it to everyone the next day. And after a LONG discussion with Jay, they told everyone what had happened. Kai then realised that's what the nightmares had been about, and he signed her up for therapy.

After Lloyd had grown older, he hated how...uncomfortable he felt. He didn't like how when he grew, he lost his sense of balance, and flailed all around the place. He also didn't like how his clothes didn't fit him anymore. So Nya snuck into the boys' rooms and stole of their old clothes and gave it to her former not-so little brother.

After the events of Rebooted, since the ninja split apart, it was just Nya and Lloyd. They too, were upset and only had each other for support.

After Kai, Jay, Cole and Zane had 'died' they temporarily moved to the Monastery of Spinjitzu and Nya locked herself in Jay's room sobbing heavily. She wouldn't answer the door to anyone. Eventually Lloyd kicked the door down and just hugged her, tightly. He was shaken up as well, but he also missed his partner-in-crime. The two had a discussion about Harumi and what Jay would have done, and just cheered each other up.

They can easily sense what's wrong with the other.

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