how they show their love

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kai: relentless teasing. he loves the childish bicker and banter that travels back and forth between you both and he loves the competitive nature between you both.

jay: jay likes to make you laugh. he is a firm believer that laughter is the best medieicne. he'd willingly embarrass himself if it means hearing your infectious laugh.

cole: draws you. you're his muse. sometimes he'll unconsciously find himself sketching out you, perfecting each strand of hair, all the way to your candid smile.

zane: cooks for you. knowing you're eating well puts zane at so much ease and there's nothing more he loves to do than cook you a hearty meal. 

lloyd: confides in you. being the leader at such a young age brings him so much stress and you're someone who he finds solidarity within. he's your confidate; and you his.

nya: anytime she goes out and sees something she thinks you'd like, she'll end up buying it, no questions asked. it's nothing fancy like a designer item, but rather the simpler stuff, like your favourite snacks, maybe some lotion, accessories, books

morro: stares at you. it's an unconscious habit, everytime he enters a room it's almost second nature for his eyes to wander around, searching for you. it's his way of knowing you're safe.


kai: ruffles your hair/pats your head/kicks you (affectionately)

jay: piggybacks/long long hugs/squishes your cheeks

cole: big bear hugs/massages your head/rests his arm on the top of your head (affectionately)

zane: he'll run his thumb over your knuckles/brush your hair/checks your forehead temperature

lloyd: runs his hands through your hair/leans his head on your shoulder/traces the lines on the palm of your hand

nya: massages your shoulders/drags you (affectionately)/squeezes your hand

morro: holds your hand in his pocket/pokes your dimples/flicks your forehead

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