Zane HCs

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Zane wears bunny slippers around the house

For Halloween, he dresses up as the Pink Ninja and gives out baked treats to kids passing by in the park

Whenever someone is feeling down, he uses his Pirate Mode and/or Humour Mode to cheer them up

He loves trying new recipes and everyone loves them

He didn't want Cole to feel bad about his cooking the first time he cooked, so Zane finished up the entire thing, much to Cole's happiness.

He loves playing in the snow and throwing snowballs at everyone.

After discovering his powers, he couldn't stop making flavourless snow cones

Writes super fancy and cursive

He can hack into nearby security cameras

He's a big fan of the classics

Zane literally has no filter and will be super blunt and straight to the point with you.

He likes feeding the lil' ducks at the park

When he's out in public and in case anyone needs it, he carries a sanitary pack with him and will help you out.

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