ninjas as ur cliché highschool cliques

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kai: the hot egotistic jocks/class clowns. he's that student who makes jokes out of everything and has the whole class doubling over with laughter and has the teacher balding due to stress. cares about his appearance and the sports he plays over his studies, your typical player/heartbreaker.

jay: that kid who aces every class. but he's also goofy and eccentric. his sense of humour is for an acquired taste, but teachers love him and his enthusiasm. huge piner.

cole: just your average joe. he's not popular, but he's very well known and everyone who does know him has nothing but positive things to say about him. his grades are average and he's a friend to all, usually the student teachers assign new pupils to as a buddy.

zane: teacher's pet. the guy who reminds the teacher of the homework, finishes any assignment on the day its given, and is on top of his game at all times. he's a perfectionist and is students' go-to tutor for any subject they struggle in.

lloyd: class president. he can be a stickler for the rules but is super friendly with everyone, knowing the basic details about all his classmates. he seems like the student who'd remember his classmates' birthdays and would buy them a small snack or smth. another class topper...and the principal's son

nya: another class topper for sure. she'd have skipped a grade due to intelligence, but she prefers to keep to herself. she's rebellious but she doesn't let that affect her grades. she keeps her circle small, and definitely stands up for younger students against bullies - take this quiz if u haven't already to see which of my friends wrote you :) lmk ur results!!

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