who were the ninja written by

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kai: somebody who didn't believe in love anymore. kai was written as a teasing, playful character who, despite his reckless playboy attitude, believes love can be found in every little thing, and pushes the writer to keep their walls down and to not shut love out completely.

jay: a boy who was lonely. he was written by a boy who was an outcast and alone. all he wanted was a friend and so he turned to the depths of his mind to create someone chatty, vibrant and energetic and charismatic, someone who can break him out of his shell.

cole: a child who wanted an older brother to look up to and have as a guardian angel, role model, a protector. someone soft-hearted and protective and incredibly supportive.

zane: a girl in an abusive relationship. she wrote zane to be somebody kind, respectful and caring, to provide everything she never had in her relationship with her s/o. she wishes her s/o was more like the boy she'd written in her mind.

lloyd: parents who couldn't bear children. they wanted a child to shower with love and affection, and so they wrote lloyd to be a compassionate, soft hearted trusting young man who is loved by everyone, someone whose hands you could place your whole life in and trust it'll remain safe with him.

nya: a girl who has been bullied her whole life. she wrote nya to be someone admirable, someone who doesn't take bull from no one and fights for what she believes in. someone who is outspoken and stands up for people. someone she will work hard to become like.

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