Chapter 1-It Runs in the Family

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My name is Vel Shamrock. Yes, Vel Shamrock. Vel is not short for anything, not Valeria or Velerie (if that is even a name). It's just Vel. And yes, my last name is Shamrock. If that isn't enough, I have red hair. Yes, red hair. Not to mention my favorite color is green—partly against my will but partly because my whole life is some crazy, ironically twisted path through some hocus-pocus theme park.

Honestly, everything about my life is crazy. My mom named me after one of her client's pet llamas that she did a tarot card reading for. My mom is—I mean, was the designated town-crazy. Come on, you know what I mean, every town has one. The person who waters flowers when it's raining, or has a giant toilet on top of their truck with the sign saying Flush out the Democrats. What else? I grew up in the "creepy" HillCrest house (the typical haunted-looking house that kids avoid on Halloween). My best friend Jaxson is literally only nineteen seconds younger than me, is black with red hair, and just so happens to be my nephew.

But, if I'm honest, the craziest thing about me that's completely true is something I'd never tell anyone—not even Jaxson. AND especially not my sister Maeve. I can't tell anyone because it would only prove everyone's worst nightmare: that I am indeed crazy like my mom.

But the truth is, I don't think my mom was crazy at all. Even though Maeve has drilled it into my head since I was little, I know my mom wasn't crazy, especially now after everything that's been happening. I don't know why it's happening or what it means. If my mom was still here, she would know. She would know why every night for the past four days, I've woken up at 12:33 a.m., unable to move. She would know why I've been lying frozen, unable to scream as I watch myself leave my body. But, she's not here, and I have to pretend like everything is fine or else I'll risk Maeve knowing.

"What's the craziest thing about you? This is stupid. Untag me," I say to Jaxson as I stare down at all too real post he tagged me in.

"Vel, you are literally the weirdest fucking person I know. You of all people should have a good one," he replies without looking up from his phone.

"Damnit, Jaxson! Watch your language! You want Silas talking like that!" Maeve yells across the kitchen while holding her hands over the red curls of my two-year-old nephew.

"Mom! Watch your language. Do you want Silas talking like that?"

Jaxson Shamrock. He's a total ass, but that dumb, sincere smile of his gets him out of anything. Honestly, if it wasn't for him and that tension diffusing smile, I wouldn't have survived having to live here with my sister for the past three years. God, she's so annoying, the most annoying thing being that we look identical. I mean identical. Looking at her is like looking at a mean, old version of myself. We could literally be twins except for the fact that she's seventeen years older than me.

Maeve rolls her eyes at us and continues to dart around the kitchen while her red hair flies in every direction. Her pant-suit making that horrible, squeaky sound of ugly material brushing together. She's always running late—guess she's more like mom then she'd like to admit.

"Vel, I need to talk to you," Maeve calls as she scrambles to put her lunch in the new Michael's Kors bag. I low key hope it spills.

"About?" Damnit. What did I do now?

"Just, walk me out," she says, swinging open the door to the garage.

I get up and follow her, stopping on the way to give my Silas Bear a big kiss. His happy giggles are exactly what I need to get through yet another day with no sleep and another conversation with Maeve.

"What?" I snark at Maeve as she shoves open-house flyers into the back of her car. Once done, she turns to stare me down. She's not mad but seems off as she presses her suit straight to take a deep breath.

"What do you want?" I ask, annoyed.

"I'm going to tell you something, and I need you to not be dramatic."

"About?" My eyes can't help but roll.

"Just," she begins as she wrings her hands in irritation, "I need you to think like a rational person for once."

"I wouldn't know what rational is, I've never had a good example, remember?"

"God, just listen, okay?" Maeve turns to face the car for a moment before continuing, "As rational adults, sometimes we have to make decisions that are upsetting."

What the hell does that mean? "Like?" I demand.

"I've been doing my best to be a mom and not your sister, and I've had to make some hard decisions. Consequently, I had to—"

"Consequently? Maeve, I don't have time for this. Just say it!"

There is a long pause in which I can see Maeve's chin stiffen up. Shit. What did she do?

"I sold HillCrest House."

"What?" I stumble back like I've been shot through the chest. I might as well have been. This is worse.

"We needed the money and—"

"We needed the money?" I grab my head and try to comprehend the bullshit spewing out of her mouth.

"I don't expect you to understand but—"

"No! Bullshit Maeve. We didn't need the money. You probably just needed the high-end sale to boost your ratings. No, you did this because you hated that house and because you HATED mom!"

"Mom and I had our differences, but I didn't hate—"

"God! Stop lying! You had no right to sell it!" My head spins as I stare back at her beady, unremorseful eyes.

"Jezus Vel! She was my mom too. I did what was best for you and for all of us. It was an opportunity I couldn't pass up, a whirlwind offer that came in. I just couldn't refuse. I knew it would better serve us sold than sitting and rotting away!"

"Back out of the sale!" I demand.

"It closed last week."

"Are you kidding me? That house has been in our family for generations! It's our family's legacy! Me, Jaxson, Silas, we were all meant to have it. Mom wanted it that way. Grandpa wanted it that way!"

"You didn't even know Grandpa. You didn't know Mom or Grandpa the way I did. There's no legacy to pass on except a big joke!" Maeve opens her car door and throws herself in. "Vel, houses don't hold legacies. Money is the only thing that has a legacy anymore. You'll thank me one day when you have college paid for AND money to start a life."

Typical Maeve. She's never appreciated our roots. She always called our family freaks and shams. I never dreamed she'd sink this low. I grab the nearest thing I can find—a can of beans from the unwanted food shelf by the kitchen door—and throw it as hard as I can.

"Are you insane!" Maeve eyes widen as the beans slide across her car.

"Apparently, I am. Insanity runs in the family, Maeve. You can't change where you come from!"

"While that may be true, you can rewrite where you are going, and I don't intend to be a joke like mom. And I won't let you be one either! " Maeve huffs as she opens the garage door to back out, leaving me and my rage behind.

*Hey guys, if you liked my opening chapter please take a second to vote :) -Barbara

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