Chapter 61-Supernova

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"Vel!" A voice booms as my eyes pop open to see the old stale light of the basement ceiling.

A blur of faces moves across my vision as I try to focus. Once my vision clears, I see red again, but this time, it's curly—Maeve's hair.

"Vel, what happened?! Your ghost version just walked through a wall, and then you just woke up!" Maeve says.

"NO!" Malcolm's voice screams from a distance.

"STAY AWAY OR ELSE!" Jaxson yells.

"Vel." I feel Jin's hand rubbing my forehead.

"Take it," I say, my voice raspy.

"Take what?" Maeve says, leaning closer to me.

"This," I wiggle my fingers to extend the little green star to her. But, something else is also in my hand.

"A little green star," Maeve says, shock filling her face.

"And a note..." Jin says, helping me stand.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Malcolm screams, rage burning in his eyes.

As Maeve opens the folded paper, Malcolm comes charging towards us, fists clenched. I close my eyes and prepare for him to crash into me.

SMACK. My eyes open to see Malcolm's eyes go dizzy as he staggers back. He wobbles for a second before falling straight back to the ground. I turn to see what Maverick hit Malcolm with this time, but instead, it's Jin, whose fist is red with the impact, standing as the hero.


"My hero," I say, and instantly feel corny for saying it.

"Badass," Maverick says, moving to give Jin a fist bump.

Bundty stands silent, staring me up and down with wide eyes as her arms twitch.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Jin asks, his pride fleeting and concern moving back into his eyes.

"Mom told me to give you that," I say, turning to Maeve.

Her eyes scan the note.

"Grandma?" Jaxson asks, "You saw her?"

"No, but I felt her."

"She gave you a—"

"A green star," I say, smiling back and Jin.

"Did she say what it meant?" Jin asks.

"She said Maeve would know what to do."

"Mom? What does it say?" Jaxson leans over Maeve's shoulder. "It's in some language I can't read."

"Maeve, what is it?" I ask.

"Go get the hose," Maeve says.

"What?" Jaxson says.

"I said, go get the hose. We need Malcolm awake for this." Maeve looks up as a huge smile moving across her face.

"Yass!" Maverick says, turning to run up the basement stairs to the backyard.

"Maeve, what does it say?!" Anticipation swarms inside me as I watch Maeve's eyes fill with happy tears.

"Everything is going to be okay!" She yells, grabbing Jaxson to give him a smothering mom hug.

"MOM!" Jaxson says, annoyed, but secretly lingers to enjoy the hug too. "What is happening?"

Bundty, who still hasn't moved, remains silent as Maverick drags the hose past her back down the stairs.

Malcolm begins to stir, grabbing his head as miserable groans seep out of him.

"Looks like we won't be needing that hose," Jin says, putting an arm in front of me in case I need protection.

Small little butterflies swarm inside my gut. Is it okay that I'm okay with the fact that I've turned into the typical girl gushing over a guy doing cliché things?

"Go ahead, Maverick," Maeve says, "spray him anyways."

"On it," Maverick says as he untwists the hose, letting the water jet straight ahead onto Malcolm.

Malcolm wiggles like a flipped turtle. He slips his way to his knees and crawls for the stairs.

"Boys!" Maeve yells. "Don't let him leave!"

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," Bundty finally breaks her silence as Jin, Jaxson, and Maverick all rush over to block Malcolm.

The guys struggle to hold him down, but Maverick, being well known for kicking ass in wrestling, gets Malcolm in a good headlock as Jin holds his legs, and Jaxson twists his arms.


"My entire life, I always wanted to meet you. Every night I wish my dad would come to find me and whisk me away from Mom and all her craziness," Maeve begins as she walks closer to Malcolm. "But now, I'm so ashamed I ever wished for that."

"It's never too late," Malcolm barely manages to say as he struggles under Maverick's grip.

"You're right," Maeve says.

What is she talking about?! "Maeve?" I say, worry filling me.

"That's right, Maeve, give me the star, and we can have the life you always wanted!"

"I wasn't done," Maeve demands, moving to look Malcolm in the eye, "it's not too late to make my Mom proud."

With a swift flick of the wrist, Maeve holds out the green star, opens the paper, and begins to chant.

Jin's eyes look up to meet mine as a smug smile moves across his face. He's thinking exactly what I'm thinking—there's always time for Hungarian.

"NO!" Malcolm screams, struggling, and almost kicking Jaxson off.

Maeve's words become louder and louder. Suddenly, the star in her hand begins to glow. Soon, the room is overtaken by a shimmer of green as the star rises from Maeve's hand to spin in the air. Around and around and around, it zips until a loud hissing sound pierces the sky, and like a supernova, it explodes with magnificent color only to disappear.

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