Chapter 30-Cepheus Who?

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That was easy. Too easy. I look up to Jin, who looks back at me, and in rhythm, we both walk through the door. As soon as we step into the house, the ceiling draws my eyes—stars. The entirety of the ceiling is covered with more of those damn, annoying stars.

Jin nudges me as we follow behind Malcolm. "Antares," he whispers into my ear, pointing up to the ceiling.

I look up to see the excitement in his eyes as mine roll dramatically. I don't hate admitting I'm wrong, I just hate admitting other people are right. But, I'm okay with letting Jin have a win as long as it helps us figure out how to stop me before it's too late. We follow Malcolm down the long hall and into another room. As he enters, strings of purple beads fly every which way, hitting me and Jin in the face as we follow unknowingly into the ridiculous trap. Once inside, Malcolm walks over to an ornate, velvet chair with photos, articles, and awards lining the walls behind it. Who the hell is this guy?

"Take a seat," he says, remaining standing himself.

As I look around for a place to sit, I recognize the chaos of the room—it looks like my home growing up. Tarot cards shoved astray, a gazing ball, candles placed without rhyme or reason, and a ridiculous amount of black velvet material. I decide to sit on a long, leather bench shoved against an unloved bookshelf. Jin follows my lead. As I sit, Malcolm watches me, his expression similar to Jin's—nervous.

"Why'd you come to visit my Mom after she died? What were you looking for?" I demand not wasting any time.

"Who's to say I say looking for something?" He asks, with a perplexed face.

Deflect and deny. That's my thing. I'm instantly annoyed.

"Why'd you come to see her if you weren't looking for anything?"

"Tell me about yourself," he says, grabbing a stack of tarot cards from a shelf behind him before moving to sit cross-legged on the chair. He begins to rub his chin and nods his head as if about to diagnose all my problems—the nerve of this guy.

Jin looks over to me with the same weird look I must have.

"I didn't come here to talk about myself. I came to ask—"

"Oh, but didn't you?" Malcolm says bluntly, taking one card out of the deck. I see the card flash upwards, and it's definitely not a tarot card—I'd recognize one anything. But these, I don't recognize at all.

"No, I came to see what you know," I can't help the snark rising in my voice. I mean, he's missed out on sixteen years of it, so why not catch him up?

Malcolm, ignoring me, holds the card up to his face, squinting at it before flinging it behind him and bringing another to his face.

"If you came to see what I know, then you came to tell me about yourself," he says, continuing to squint his eyes at each card before discarding them with a quick flick of the wrist.

Seriously? No wonder I'm crazy.

"We didn't come here for your show biz bullshit. We need your help," Jin demands, getting annoyed with the spectacle.

"It's not as you say bullshit," he says, continuing without pause. "Here," he says, carefully holding a card out as if it's hot to the touch and dashing over to a table in the corner. He quickly shoves everything off the table and then places the card down, drawing his hand back to blow his fingers. "Come look," he says, waving me over.

I hesitate, but Jin pulls me along to the table. As I stare down at the table, I see what looks like more damn stars. But, it's the pattern that draws my attention. It kind of looks like a house.

"Cepheus," Malcolm says as his eyes narrow in thought, staring down at the card, still nursing his hand.

"Cepheus, like in Greek mythology?" Jin asks.

I look up at Jin in even more surprise. Greek mythology? He's a mythology nerd now too?

"Really?" I ask.

Jin ignores me as he stares at the card in wonder.

"Well, that's who the constellation is named after," Malcolm replies, slowly looking up at me. "And this is a problem," Malcolm says, rubbing his forehead as if he's the one who's irritated. "What happened to HillCrest House?"

Chills run down my spine at his words as I watch the sides of the card twitching and curling as if truly singed. I can see the smoke coming off the card as I stare in bewilderment down at the house patterned stars. I don't know what to believe anymore. I'm starting to think science will never be able to explain what the hell is going on.

"What does this card mean?" Jin asks, grabbing my hand to make sure I'm okay.

"I'm fine," I say, answering back, somehow feeling awkward that Malcolm is watching us.

"The card means nothing," Malcolm says bluntly, giving the card one quick slap before heading over to his desk, mumbling to himself.

"I'm sorry, but what?!" I demand.

"The card means nothing, but what it represents means everything."

"Are you shitting me?!"

"When did the events that brought you here begin?"

"It started when my family bought Vel's old house," Jin answers for me, as I seeth.

"Well, that's a problem," Malcolm says bluntly, grabbing his chin as if lost in thought.

"Because of the card?" Jin and I ask simultaneously.

"No, the card means nothing," Malcolm says as if annoyed, he has to repeat himself.

"Is this some joke?!"

"Have you hurt anyone?"

Holy shit. He really does know something.

"No," Jin says firmly.

"Good," he says, continuing to mumble something under his breath.

"Can you help her or not?" Jin asks. I can sense the concern in his voice.

"Maybe," he answers, suddenly jumping up. He takes a hat and a jacket from a hook before grabbing a large duffle bag. Flinging it on his desk, he begins rummaging through his desk drawers, only to pull out a piece of paper. "I'm going to need both of you to sign this," he says, plopping the dusty paper down on his desk.

"I'm sorry, but what?" I say as Jin and I look at each other with raised eyebrows.

"Come," he says, picking up his bag and waving us over.

"What is it?" Jin asks as we head to the table to look down at the paper.

"A non-disclosure agreement. As a celebrity, I need to protect myself."

"A celebrity?" I ask, annoyed. "I've never even heard of you."

"Just sign it," Jin whispers as he signs his name on the dotted line. I reluctantly follow his lead.

"Well, after today, you'll never forget me," Malcolm says as his face grows cold and heads out the beads, leaving his words lingering in the air like a terrible premonition.

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