Chapter 9-Tell Me Lies

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This is too surreal. My worst suspicions are somehow true—I'm haunting Jin Caldwell. But how? Am I somehow running around in some ghosty world, thinking I'm alive when I'm actually dead? No, I've seen the Sixth Sense, and people have been talking to me, so that can't be it. This has to do with whatever is happening to me at night. I mean, the drawings and my pajamas are proof. Could it be that some part of me is leaving my body at night to torment this guy? But why? My god, now I really sound crazy.

My hands grow hot as the phone sweats in my hand. How do I respond to his DM? I'll do what I always do when backed into a corner—deflect and deny.

I have no idea what ur talking bout?

Anxiously, I pace until I see the three dots move across the text box. But, they stop, leaving me on read. I've never been a patient person, so I text back. Did you draw those pics?

What do u want from me? He responds.

I think for a minute about what to say, typing and deleting every answer I can imagine. Honestly, I don't know what I want from him. Maybe I just want him to tell me lies, to tell me that he's just gingerphobic and a stalker. Maybe I don't want to know the truth because the truth might just blow up my whole world. But knowing is better than not knowing, so I text back I just want the truth.

I do 2.

Ok then ask anything. 5 questions then I get 5. U go first. My heart pounds as I sit and watch those three dots move across the screen.

Are u dead?

My heart jolts at his first text, and I scramble to reply. Not that I know.

Who are u?

Vel Shamrock. My nephew (long story) is dating ur cuz Rina.

Ok...what do you want from me?


Why did u follow me home?

I wanted to know why u were afraid of me.

Do you not remember me?

Panic runs from my heart to my fingers; the more real this becomes.

No. My turn. 1. Did you draw those pics?


2. Do u see me every night?

Since I moved in ya.

3. There's blood on my clothes from last night is it urs?


4. What happens when I come each night? I hold my breath and wait for his response.

U try and kill me.

As I stare at those surreal words, my hands shake as fingers try to type.

5. What would you say if I told u I've never seen u until today and that every night for the past four nights I woke up and can't move and watch myself leave the room and can't remember anything in the morning? It sounds crazy, but would you help me figure out what da hell is going on?

As I send the text, I realize I've never been more scared in my entire life. I'm scared to sound stupid, I'm scared this is all some joke, I'm scared he'll say no, but most importantly I'm scared that this is all somehow real.

R u serious?



Relief washes over me as those three words appear. I've never been so excited to see a text from a boy in my whole life. I take several deep breaths to calm my nerves, which have currently taken over my whole sweaty body.

1356 East Preston Court.

B there after 8.

I turn my phone over as unfamiliar chills run down my body. Holy shit! I don't know what is scarier: sneaking a boy into my room or the fact that I'm somehow trying to kill said boy against my knowledge. I turn my phone back over to see the time—7:40. I have twenty minutes to figure out what the hell I'm going to do. If I'm legit trying to kill this guy in my sleep, then I can't go to sleep—not until we figure out why it's happening. Okay, I'm going to need snacks, lots of snacks. Snacks and Netflix. I got this.

I leave my bedroom, rush down the stairs, and start collecting all the junk food I carry.

As I rummage through the pantry, a familiar pitchy voice nags from behind me. "I thought you weren't hungry."

"Decided I was," I grumble back, shoving a bunch of crap down my shirt to fit more in my hands.

"Vel!" Maeve nags, trying to steal some of my snacks away. "You can't have all this before bedtime. Don't do this to yourself. Track season isn't that far away!"

"Don't tell me what to do," I say, shoving past her to exit the pantry.

"I can't deal with the dramatics right now," Maeve says, pouring herself another glass of wine.

"Me either!" I call as I run back up the stairs.

"What are you doing?" Jaxson says, coming out of his room to see me dropping snacks around my feet.

"Nothing," I say, kicking the fallen junk towards my door.

"Netflix binge?" He asks.

"Yup," I say. He knows me too well.

"What you watching?"

"Haven't decided."

"Wanna restart Super Store?" Jaxson says, beginning to walk in my room.

I pause awkwardly at my door to block him. How do I tell him he's not invited because I'm sneaking in his girlfriend's cousin to try and figure out why I'm trying to murder him in my sleep?

"Axe, I'm kind of having a girl's night," is the only lie I can think of. Stupid.

"A girl's night?" Jaxson looks as confused as he should be. "With?"


There is a long awkward pause as food continues to spill out of my shirt.

"Cool story, bro," Jaxson says, turns back into his room and slamming the door as he goes. Yup, he's pissed. Cool story bro in Jaxson speech translates to go fuck yourself.

"DON'T SLAM DOORS!" Maeve screams from downstairs. God, she's such a witch.

Witch. I roll the word around in my head for a while. Could...? Before I know it, I'm running to my closet to look for something that just might be useful. Jackpot, there it is, mom's box of treasures. The stuff I took with me from her office after she passed, the things I knew Maeve would throw away because she would say it's "all bullshit." In the box are Mom's tarot cards, her ouija board, and her astrology book with hand-written notes in the margins. It might all be bullshit, but it might just be useful. After the day I've had, I'm willing to try anything.

I pink up the astrology book and smile as the memories come flooding back. I used to sit, hidden under the table or in the walls, and make noises when mom would call the "spirits." I loved the looks on people's faces when they thought a ghost or the universe was talking back to them. God, I miss her. I miss the fun, the chaos, and I miss the lies. People give lying a bad name. Lies hold secrets, they hold hope, and honestly, when it comes down to it, people want to be told lies. I wish Mom was here now to lie and tell me everything is going to be okay.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, causing my happy memories to fly away. It's Jin. He's here.

*Hey guys, if you are still enjoying please comment and vote to let me know. Thanks. -Barbara

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