Chapter 42-Gemini

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"Vel, your family is for real insane," Maverick says, breaking the awkward silence that emerged in the entryway.

"Why haven't you left yet!" Jin demands.

Maverick gives Jin a fuck you look and lifts his hammer in the air. "Been working!"

"Just get Cece and leave!" Jaxson adds, his eyes narrowing on Malcolm.

"Whatever, this is fucked anyways," Maverick says, walking over to try and shake Cece awake.

"How do you know my mom was the one who cast the summoning spell? Why should I believe anything you say?"

"It's true. The summoning spell required both biological parents to be present. That's why River called me. I always knew how special River was, how special the Shamrock family lineage is. I would have—"

"How special the Shamrock family is?" Jaxson questions.

"You know about the Shamrock family history, don't you?"

"We know they a bunch of crazies," Jaxson says.

"Did you both not grow up around River and her father's work?"

"My mom always told me it was all an illusion, just a trade to learn it wasn't real..."

"I could only assume, River wanted to keep the truth hidden," Malcolm says. "That's why she banned me from Maeve's life."

"What do you mean?" Jaxson perks up in interest.

"My fame made River uncomfortable, and she made it very clear that she did not want their talents broadcast. Oh, what I could have done with Maeve's gifts! How famous we all could have been! Such a waste!" Malcolm rants lost in memory.

"I'm sorry, but what do you mean by their gifts?!" I ask.

"I'm talking about River's and Maeve's connection to the spiritual world."

Jaxson and I look at each other, and I'm pretty sure our brains explode at the same time.

"MAEVE?" I demand, stumbling back into Jin.

"Yeah, there's no way," Jaxson coughs, choking on his spit.

"Oh, on the contrary, River and I knew the second Maeve born that she had the gift," Malcolm remembers as if still in a dream.

"I'm sorry, but you were there when she was born?!" Jaxson asks, obviously trying to wrap his brain around it.

"I was there for the first two months of her life until River told me to leave. So, I went back to my television show, only to return seventeen years later when she asked." Malcolm says as the excitement drains from his eyes.

"The letter!" Jin yells. "Your Mom mentioned something about how Maeve had always had a gift, but she just needed to open herself up to it!"

Holy shit. He's right!

"What? What letter?" Jaxson says, still in shock.

"Long story Jaxson!" I demand, turning back to Malcolm.

"Wait," Jin says, pulling my back around to face him. "Gemini!"


"Gemini!" He insists as I watch the wheels turning in his brain.

"Gemini!" I shout as our brains somehow magically match up.

"Maeve!" Jin and I shout, seem to shout at once.

"Gemini means twins and you and Maeve—"

"Look like twins," I complete his thought. "Holy shit," I say, darting my wide-eyes back and forth between Jin and Jaxson. "Does this mean Maeve can—"

"Yes," Malcolm interrupts. "Maeve is the only one who can help you."

Is this real life? Maeve! My mortal enemy (well besides Cece) is the only one who can save me? Of course, she is! Because irony, that's why!

"But, didn't you say tieing Vel's soul to something was what made my Grandma sick in the first place?" Jaxson asks.

Malcolm slowly nods his head.

"Vel," Jaxson says, stammering back.

"Jaxson..." I say as the revelation hits us at the same time.

"What will happen to Maeve?" Jin asks softly, knowing Jaxson and I are too afraid to ask.

"The curse," Malcolm answers back like a whisper.

"Are you sure?" Rina's meek voice chimes in.

I suddenly remember that there's other people here. I've gotten so used to my own little world with my own problems that I didn't realize just how many people I'm dragging down with me. It's not just Jin and I laughing and making predictions in my bedroom anymore. I'm standing in the trashed entryway of my old house, a Dad I never knew existed, with the guy I'm haunting AND falling for (how cliche is that), and my nephew and his girlfriend (if that doesn't sound weird enough). My enemy since preschool is here hypnotized, staring off into space as her boyfriend (that I totally sent skanky selfies to) tries to shake her awake. AND NOW I find out that the only person to save me is my sister Maeve, BUT if she does, then she'll be cursed like my mom was and go crazy.

I've ruined everything. It's all my fault. All of these people were dragged into my bullshit. Cece and Maverick's relationship—not to mention sanity—is going to be shot after tonight. What are Jin's parents going to do with a house that just keeps getting trashed? I've single-handedly ruined their investment, how is that going to affect Jin? Then there's Jaxson—my favorite person in the world. I've always ruined everything for him. He's never had friends because of me, and now Rina's probably going to dump him because of all this drama. Then there's my sister. How can I ask her to save me when she has Silas and Jaxson to take care of? The answer is I don't—I can't.

A bright light appears through the broken glass of the entryway windows, followed by the slam of a car door. I look back to Jaxson as a single tear forms in his dark eyelid. We all stand in silence and listen to the rapid sound of heels approaching. Then with one big gust, the door flies open, sending Malcolm stammering forward into Jaxson.

Violently curly, red hair enters the doorway, followed by a loud "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!"

Maeve's here.

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