Chapter 24-Plan A, B, or A?

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Little green stars blare into my eyes as I lay unable to move. It's time. The haze over my face feels heavy, but I can still see a gleam emanating from me. I shift my eyes to look for Jin and see the sudden movement of my closet door shutting. He's okay. Like a sudden breath of air, I feel it—Red Lady. She emerges to stand like a distant dream haunting my reality. Then like a feather, she whisps away to the window and is gone without a trace. And as her glow disappears into the night, everything goes dark.


I sit up with a jolt, my head pounding. "Jin?!"

No answer. I run to the closet. Not there. Where is he?

Next, I run to my nightstand, unplug my phone and frantically open it to one unread DM. It's from Jin.

Went home to make sure I'm here when the parentals wake up. Stick to the plan.

Okay, so Jin's safe. He's sticking to his part of the plan. Now it's time for me to do my part.

I run to my dresser, grab a comb, and wildly hack away at my curls. Grabbing a hairband, I tie my mane half-up, letting a few curls fall around my face. Then, I head to my closet to find my lowest cut shirt and slip it on. Jumping on my bed, I lay flat on my stomach, squishing my boobs to make them look bigger (Cece Bundt style) and then aim my phone to take a very special selfie for Mavey-Poo.

Click and send. It turned out pretty okay, I guess. But will it be good enough to get Maverick Hall's attention? It's all a waiting game now. I head downstairs to find Maeve getting Silas and herself ready to leave. As soon as I walk in the room, I feel the awkwardness of the whole "talk" from last night filling the air.

"Morning," Maeve says quietly.

"Morning," I nod back before my eyes land on my handsome guy. "Morning Silas Bear," I say, kissing his fat, little cheeks.

Buzz. Buzz. I quickly look at my phone to see if it's Jin or Maverick. Wow. Last week I had no DM's from guys—and now I'm waiting on on one but two DMs from two guys. I open my phone to see it's from Maverick. Wow. That was easy.

That a good morning :) any more?

Like what...

...surprise me do I play this out? My mind races as I type.

I'd rather surprise u in person. U down?

...obvi, when?

Tonight, my house.


What about Cece?

She ain't got what you do...

C u tonight.

I can't decide if I should laugh at Maverick's stupidity or be embarrassed that I've become basic, sending selfies to douchbagey guys. Either way, that was too damn easy. I almost feel bad for Bundty—almost. She's going to flip when I show her these DMs today. I think she'll flip just enough to get us both suspended.

"Who are you texting? Is it Jin?" Maeve says, not seeing Jaxson turning the corner.

God Damnit. My eyes widen as the words fall out of Maeve's mouth, and there's a one hundred percent chance Jaxson noticed.

"Why would you message Jin?" Jaxson demands, stopping dead in his tracks.

The good thing about Maeve is that she has that solid poker face that I lack. "I told her she should try and make amends with him, especially if he's Rina's cousin," Maeve says, without missing a beat.

"Cool story, bro," Jaxson says, rolling his eyes and grabbing his lunch to go.

"I'm dropping Silas today, I have to sign some papers at the daycare," Maeve says, loading Silas and his lunchbox into her arms. "See you guys tonight for car shopping. Vel, I hope you'll reconsider coming..."

"I don't," Jaxson snarks under his breath, as the front door slams behind him.

Buzz. Buzz. That has to be Jin.


Oh shit, what's wrong?

Wuts wrong?

It's BAD.

WUT IS?!?!?

The whole house is trashed this time...

My parents are calling the police right now!

Oh shit...I better go for plan B. Before I can even text back, I run into the garage and jump into the passenger seat of Maeve's car.

"What are you doing?" Maeve demands, as she quickly moves all her bags my butt is squishing.

"Can you drive me today?" I ask, desperately texting Jin back.

Have them call Maeve in like 10 mins!!!!

I'll try...they're on the phone with the cops right now thou

Why would Red Lady trash the whole house?

"Why?" Maeve asks suspiciously.

"I just don't want to walk today, cramps."

Maeve's face loosens a little. "Well, okay..." She says, backing out of the garage.

We pull up to the daycare as my fingers clench my phone, and my heart races with that anxiety. I'm running out of time. The school is only like two minutes from the daycare.

I have like a 3 min window left Jin! They need to call now!

I'm trying, but the cops just got here, and they are doing the police report.


The swinging of the car door makes me jump, and I hit my head on the roof.

"What the hell? Why are you so jumpy?" Maeve snaps, slipping back into the driver's seat, cradling her coffee, so I don't spill it.

"I'm not!" I say, a little too loudly.

Maeve looks me up and down before putting the car into reverse. Damnit. It's not going to work. My heart sinks as Maeve pulls up to the school's drop-off loop.

"Have you decided to come with us later?" Maeve asks, putting the car in park.

"What? Come where?" I ramble while frantically texting Jin.

At school. stall on having them call until I text u back


"Car shopping, Vel? What is going on with you?"

"Oh, shit, sorry, no, nothing. I'm fine. Just texting..." I'm rambling. Damnit. "Bye," I say, hurrying out the car, slamming the door on my way out.

Well, plan B didn't work, now it's time to go back to my original plan—find Bundty and get suspended ASAP!

*Will Vel's plan of getting suspended work? 

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