Chapter 45-Always Time for Science

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An eerie silence takes over the room as the slam of the doors echoes throughout the house. That might just have been the last time see Jaxson—even thinking those words is like a punch to my gut. As I see it, I have two options: wait and slowly wither away as Jin's parents renovate the house OR find a quick, painless way out tonight. No more science experiments. No more bullshit. Either way, I won't let Maeve curse herself for me, I need to end this tonight.

"I'm not leaving," Jin demands, folding his arms.

"Jin, don't make this harder than it has to be," I say. Seriously just go away and let me forget about you and our almost kiss.

"I've survived Red Lady for this long, what makes you think I can't survive again tonight?"

Ugh, Jin. Why do you make it so hard?!

"What do you mean you've survived her this long?" Maeve asks.

"For the past three nights, I've been sleeping in Vel's room, and every night Red Lady has come, and nothing's happened to me!"

"Excuse me!" Maeve's demands, folding her arms.

"Jin, that was only because Red Lady was coming HERE to destroy everything!" I demand. "Which is exactly why you shouldn't be here!"

"Oh...nothing happened," Jin backtracks, seeing Maeve's suspicious eyes.

"I wouldn't say nothing," I say, immediately realizing how bad it sounds. "Nothing sexual, I just meant like Red Lady happenings."

"Vel, stop," Maeve says, holding her hands up in frustration. "You've known for this long and told a total stranger? I just don't understand why you didn't come to me sooner."

"Seriously?" I ask, annoyed. "Would you have believed me? Or would you have sent me to a mental hospital like Mom?"

Maeve's eyes shift and soften. "You're right," she says. "This is all my fault. I should have known. I shouldn't have done a lot of things differently."

"It's never too late to open yourself up to your gifts," Malcolm says, invading into the conversation with hope in his eye. "I could teach you. Just like I taught your mom."

"You taught mom?" I ask, surprised. "How could a fake like you teach someone like my mom?"

"I'm NOT a fake!" Malcolm says, triggered as his beady eyes bulge. "Is she always this irritating?" Malcolm asks.

"Always," Maeve responds, shaking her head in agreeance.


"Your grandfather brought your mom to me precisely because I'm not a fake. I know a lot more than you can even comprehend. I have taught gifted people for years how to use the astrological configurations to harness their spiritual power! Your mother was extraordinary, and I taught her how to use her gifts, and I can teach you too," Malcolm says, his eyes hopefully at Maeve.

"I just want to help my sister. Nothing more," Maeve says.

I can tell this is too much for Maeve. Her whole life, she's been obsessed with two things: finding out who her dad is and proving my mom is a fake. Now, her dad is here in front of her, telling her everything she fought against her whole life is, in fact, true. I guess she's not immune from the good-old Shamrock bad luck.

"What happens if I won't let Maeve help me?" I ask, turning to Malcolm.

"Well, your spirit will continue to haunt this house until it either is destroyed from the renovations or..." Malcolm drops off and begins pacing as if in thought.

"Malcolm!" Jin yells excitedly as if a lightbulb went off in his head. "You said when Maeve sold the house, Vel's soul tie was broken. Can it be repaired? Can we repair the tie to this house instead of creating a new one?"

"It's possible," Malcolm says.

"What am I missing?" I ask.

"New hypothesis—"

"Jin, we don't have time for any more hypotheses," I say.

"Vel, there's always time for science! My hypothesis is if Maeve buys back HillCrest House, then Vel Shamrock's soul will no longer be split!"

Holy Shit. It's actually genius. Freaking Jin Caldwell, science nerd extraordinaire, saving the day yet again.

"Do you think it'll work?" I ask Malcolm.

"Vel's soul is split because the house was sold and invaded by other people. If the home belongs to the Shamrock family again, there should be no more invaders, and her soul should be at peace." Malcolm says. "By God, it just might work."

"Seriously? After all of this, it's just that easy?!" I say.

"It sounds like the sanest option to me..." Maeve says.

"But?" I ask, feeling a but coming, there's always a but.

"But, how do we convince Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell to sell back the house they just bought AND sunk all this money into?" Maeve says.

"I didn't think about that," Jin says, his hopes dropping.

"I mean, Vel, I don't even see how I could repurchase it. I don't have the money."

"What about all the money you got from the house?" I ask.

"I put a chunk down on my house, set aside 25,000 for new cars, and the rest got wrapped up into college funds that I can't take out without paying a twenty percent fine."

"What about a bank loan?" I ask desperately.

"That whole process takes weeks from start to finish, and even if I could expedite it, I can't qualify for over a half-million-dollar home."

"I'm sorry, did you say a half a million dollars?! That's how much you sold our home for?!"

Maeve nods, confirming.

Holy shit. No wonder she sold it. I get why she sold it now—kinda.

"Jin, what the hell do your parents do?!" I ask.

"Flip houses, they sank a lot of money into this one, hoping for a big payoff."

"So your genius plan won't work," I say, feeling defeated.

Of course, how could I possibly think the answer would be that simple? It's me, Vel Shamrock, the certified unluckiest person alive.

"Just let me think," Maeve says as she starts pacing.

"Maybe we just tell my parents the truth?" Jin says.

"And then what? They'll just hand over the house and lose a shit load of money?! Jin, I can't do that to you."

"It's better than you dying!"

"No, I'm tired of everyone being dragged down with me and my—"

"I'll do it," Malcolm's lyrical voice interrupts my rant.

"You'll do what?" I say, annoyed.

"I'll purchase it."

"What?" I say, dumbfounded.

Maeve's eyes meet mine as we both try to process the words that just came out of his mouth.

"I'll purchase HillCrest house for you. I just have one condition..."

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