Chapter 64-Science, Astronomy & Love

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What's the weirdest thing about you?

I read the post aloud and laugh when I see that it's Cece who tagged me. Two months ago, Jaxson tagged me in the same post. Back then, I was too afraid to answer because I didn't know what was happening to me. But now, I know exactly what to say.

Bonding with Cece freaking Bundt over hypnosis, boyfriend stealing nudes, and little green stars. I reply to the thread.

Smiling, I set my phone down when I see the time. "Let's go, guys," I call to the bathroom across the hall.

Rina opens the door quickly, her giant blue dress puffing out the door. "Ready!" She says. "Is Jaxson downstairs?"

"Of course he is, I gave strict instructions for our entrance!" Cece insists, heading out the bathroom behind Rina.

I want to roll their eyes at their excitement to make a "grand entrance" down Maeve's fifteen-step, carpeted hallway. But my eyes stay still. Honestly, I'm low key excited as hell too. Not only is Jaxson waiting for Rina and Maverick waiting for Cece, but Jin is waiting down there—for me.

Jin and I have been dating for two months now, and I still get all those annoyingly cliché feelings when I see him. And thankful, I see him every weekend. The night everything ended, I thought he'd move back to California, and I'd never see him again. But, in another badass Maeve move, she swindled Malcolm into selling his Salem home. And when Jin's parents got a call from Maeve about an old victorian home up for sale at a killer price, they jumped on it.

So now Jin lives only an hour away—well, at least till his parents complete the renovations. In the meantime, we're enjoying spending time together doing normal teenager things that don't involve ghosts or crazy dads—like making out, my new favorite past-time. And Malcolm? Maeve says she told him to move to Alaska. Apparently, he's studying the northern lights living in a yurt. Whatever Maeve did to him made him not remember a damn thing about me, Mom, or Maeve. I kind of feel bad for him, but then again, he deserved what he got—besides, he looks pretty damn happy his Insta posts (yes, Mr. Bullshit himself has an Instagram).

"ARE THE BOYS IN POSITION MRS. HUNDREK?!" Cece yells down the stairs.

"Please don't, or I'll barf all over this stupid dress you picked out for me!"

Cece grins, knowing she's annoyed me. We may be friends, but the need to piss each other off is inherent in us, so we still hurl jabs. It's the best of both worlds.

"I know Jaxson, and you aren't excited, but I LOVE weddings. Wish I could go!" Rina gleams, her eyes obviously dreaming about Jaxson. Gross.

"I'm seriously so jealous you get to go to Hawaii during Christmas break for the wedding!" Cece says, poking her ear down the hallway, listening for Maeve's response.

Honestly, I'm pretty excited about the wedding too. And not just because it's in Hawaii but because I'm truly happy for Maeve. After everything she's done for me, she deserves some happiness—even if it's with Mr. freaking Hundrek. I haven't put much thought into what it'll be like living with my high school principal, that's a problem for another day.

"READY!" Maeve calls back. I can hear her camera flash getting ready.

"You guys know it's just a winter formal. It's not like it's prom. This is all over the top," I say, swishing my long, green dress.

"Oh, be quiet," Cece says, shoving me down the stairs first.

This time, my eyes are happy to roll as I descend the stairs. Before I can even get to the bottom, a flash has blinded me. Who the hell has actual cameras anymore? When my eyes come through, I see Jin standing in a tux, flower in hand, looking ridiculously hot. Cece rushes past me, doing a twirl as she goes to stand while Maeve takes her photo with Maverick, who she has to slug to put his phone away and pay attention. As Jin takes my hand, leaning down to kiss it as Jaxson does the same for Rina.

"All together!" Maeve says, standing next to Hundrek, who is bouncing little Silas up and down.

As we all gather in, Cece fussing after everyone's pose, Jin holding my hand tight, and Jaxson's eyes tight on Rina, I can't help but realize how insanely happy I am to be here with all these people. With Jin, mostly. But also with Jaxson, my best friend since birth. And Rina, the girl that's made my favorite person so happy. And Maeve, who I hated all these years only to discover that she's the most badass woman I know. And Cece, who it's been weirdly awesome to have sleepovers with and do dumb-girly girl things with. Oh, and even dumb Maverick, who came through in clutch when I needed him most.

"You all look so cute! Don't they Mitch!" Maeve gleams.

"Certainly," Hundrek replies. "Oh, I have good news for you, Vel," he says eagerly, still trying to win me over.


"I saw the preliminary semester grades, and you passed Biology."

I better have after all the sciencey shit I went through, with all those hypotheses and everything.

"I have my study partner to thank," I say, laughing towards Jin.

"You're welcome," His typical smug smile beams back at me.

"I'm honestly a little disappointed I'll only get Dwyer for one period next semester."

"Well, he has an astronomy class on his schedule for next semester. You could always take that," Hundrek offers.

If only he knew how ironic that is. The room goes silent for a minute as we all exchange secret looks. Hundrek's puzzled twists to Maeve as everyone's secret glances turn into full out laughter.

"Sounds perfect for you!" Jaxson snarks, patting my shoulder.

"Thanks, Hundrek," I say, looking at Maeve, who's biting her tongue. "Sign me up!"

"That's a hard pass for me!" Cece says with raised eyebrows. "Let's get going. Our reservation is in ten minutes."

After several hugs and an awkward speech from Hundrek about proper behavior, we all squish into Maverick's mom's sedan to head to the restaurant.

"Hey, what time are we working this weekend?" Maverick asks.

"With all the Christmas parties going on, I don't see when we'll have time," Jaxson says.

"It's been our tradition for two months, we can't stop now," Cece says.

"She's right," I say. For the past two months for a couple of hours every weekend, the Scooby-Doo gang (that's what we call ourselves now) has been renovating HillCrest house all by ourselves. We pick a new project every weekend. The house is still a mess, and we move slow as hell, BUT honestly, that's fine. None of us are in any rush to finish it. We're having too much fun.

"I really want to do the accident wall in shiplap!" Cece insists. "It's what Joanna would do!"

"No, way, we already decided it would be one giant ass green wall with painted stars," Jaxson says, giving me another slap.

"I hate you," I say.

"We'll argue about that after we get all the flooring done," Jin says.

"Okay then," Rina says, "What time and day?"

"I'm driving back home Sunday at 4 for a Christmas party, Rina's coming," Jin says.

"Okay, then how about Sunday at 10?"

"I plan to be hung-over at that time," Maverick says.

"Shut up, Maverick," Cece says. "He'll be there."

"Okay, Sunday at ten it is," Jaxson confirms.

As the conversation tangents away, I find myself looking out the window at the stars shining bright in the sky and feeling thankful. Two months ago, I was the snarky ginger girl everyone hated who thought life would just perpetually suck. I never thought I'd feel accepted. I never thought I'd have a boyfriend. I never thought I'd have a friend other than Jaxson. I never thought I'd survive whatever the hell was happening to me. I never thought a lot of things were possible.

But now, as I look up at the stars, the sparkles from my green dress shimming in my eyes, I realize that anything is possible with a little bit of science, astronomy, and love.

*I hope you enjoyed the end of my story. Let me know what you think. If you loved my story please share it with your friends.

*As always, thanks for reading and please remember to vote.

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