Chapter 47-Party Time

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"I'm so confused," Bundty says. "Can one of you freaks tell us what exactly is going on?!"

"Seriously," Maverick adds.

I look at Jin and purse my lips, wondering what exactly to say to explain this whole night—maybe it's time just to tell the truth.

"Long story short, I'm haunting this house even though I'm still alive and..." I say, grabbing Jin's phone from him to check the time. "It's 11:40, in less than an hour, my soul will leave my body to do scary, haunty things here in this very house. Oh yeah, and I'll try to kill anyone in the house."

"It's true," Jin says. "That's why I flipped the first time I saw her. I thought she was a ghost because, well, she is," Jin shrugs.

Bundty's face shakes in disbelief as Maverick's jaw drops.

"So, let's say I believed you," Bundty begins, pacing with a strange look on her face. "What would posting a video on my Insta do to help?"

"Like we gonna video Vel's ghost? Want us to Tik Tok that shit?" Maverick suggests.

"NO!" Maeve and I yell at the same time.

"No, that's exactly what we don't want. No one can know," I say.

"We just want my parents to come here. If my parents see that the house is haunted, then they'll sell it, and Vel won't be a ghost anymore. That's why we need you to post a video Cece," Jin says.

"Vel got me suspended, and she tried to steal my boyfriend. Why should I help her?"

"Because the video," Maverick reminds her, looking over a Maeve.

"Look," I say, swallowing my pride. "I'm sorry." I never thought those words would come out of my mouth, especially not to Cece freaking Bundt.

Bundty raises her chin in the air, obviously waiting for the apology to continue.

Seriously? Ugh. "I'm sorry I was such a bitch, I was selfish, and I'm sorry you got dragged into it. That wasn't fair. But I don't want to die. I'd like to be around. I'd miss making fun of you in class if I was a full-time ghost."

Bundty smiles at my apology, but only for a second before taking out her phone.

"Okay," she says. "I'll humor your crazy."

Keeping secrets and hurting people is the worst, especially from the ones you love. I mean, coming clean to Jaxson made me feel lighter. BUT, hurting people you hate also sucks because honestly, apologizing to Bundty made me feel better too—gross but whatever.

"This is where Maeve and I take our leave," Malcolm announces.

"What?" Maeve says.

"Well, it looks like the kids have an air-tight plan. We need to leave unless you would like to stick around to see Vel's soul terrorize the house and anyone in it?" Malcolm asks, matter-of-fact like.

"Well, no, but..." Maeve begins.

"He's right, Maeve," I say, looking over at her.

"We can't just leave these teenagers here..." Maeve continues.

"You have to," Bundty says, "I CANNOT have an adult in my party story. Fake or not!"

"Vel," Maeve says, her eyes squinting with concern. "You'll be okay right?"

"For sure," I say, looking over to Jin. "It's everyone else we'll have to worry about."

"Maeve, is your car here?" Malcolm asks.

"Yes?" she says, scrunching her nose at him.

"Let's go wait inside it. Just down the road. We should be close and in-sight just in case."

"In case what?" Maeve's eyes widen at the unknown.

"In case we're needed," Malcolm assures her while shooing her towards the door. "Come along. We have a lot of lost time to catch up on."

Maeve looks back at me. "Be safe," she says, her face trying to stay healthy.

"I will," I say, meeting my sister's caring eyes. "I'll see you in the morning," I say.

"Okay..." Maeve says, hesitating at the door. "Jin?" she asks, turning back again.


"You'll be safe, right? This is all safe?"

"Like I said, Ms. Shamrock, I've been successfully dodging Red Lady for days now. I got this!"

"You have a plan for your parents?" Malcolm asks.

"I'll keep them safe. They'll be in just long enough to see Red Lady," Jin says.

How can he know for sure?

"Jin," I say, leaning over to him. "How do you know you'll all be safe in here with Red Lady running around, especially when each night she escalates..."

"Don't worry. I have a prediction," Jin says, smiling over at me with his typical, nerdy I have an idea smile.

"Right then," Malcolm's annoying voice cheers. "God speed!"

"We are running out of time, you guys need to get out of here," I say, shoving Maeve towards the door.

"Vel, I don't like any of this..." Maeve stalls at the door.

"It's okay, Maeve, seriously," I say. "I have my big girl panties on. You should too."

A tight smile moves across Maeve's face before she follows Malcolm outside. I can't help but smile back at Maeve as her red curls disappear. This just might. And not the whole save my life and everyone else's thing—the whole sister thing too.

"Ready?" Bundty asks.

"Hold on," Jin says, stumbling over all the crap to head towards the kitchen.

"So," Maverick says discreetly, walking closer to me. "Just so you know, the whole ghost thing isn't a deal-breaker for me."

Is this real life?

"Good to know," I say, shoving past him to stand by Bundty.

"Now, we're ready!" Jin calls, entering the room with two bottles in his hand.

"Noice," Maverick says, grabbing one of the bottles from Jin's hand, opening it.

"That's straight whiskey, are you seriously going to drink it?" I ask, concerned as Maverick takes a swig.

"It's a party, isn't it?" Maverick says, cocking his head back to help the liquor go down.

"Dumbass," Bundty says, rolling her eyes at Maverick and taking a bottle from Jin. "Okay, guys, ready?"

"I guess," I shrug.

"Everyone just dance around and look like you're having a good time. And Vel, do something with your face besides the normal RBF. Okay?"

"Okay!" I say, annoyed, low key worried because my face doesn't know much else.

Before I have time to practice smiling, Bundty picks up her phone, squealing, "It's party time!"

*Thanks for reading, and please don't forget to take a second to vote. :)

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