Chapter 29-Road Trip

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I don't think I ever really imagined I'd be road-tripping to freaking Salem, Oregon, let alone with some random guy. Well, Jin's not random, but it sounds more dramatic if I say he's random. AND I get to be dramatic right now because I'm about to meet a dad I didn't even know I wanted to or needed to meet until now! AND he might know something about Red Lady. My only consolation in this is that he might be able to help me.

"Here," Jin says, drawing me out of my daze.

"This is it?" I say, squinting my nose out the window. We pull up to a pretty typical looking house beside one thing—it has a purple door. Who the hell has a purple door?! Apparently, my dad.

I sigh, shoving the box off my lap as my phone begins to buzz.

"It's Jaxson," I say, ignoring the call. But, he just calls right back. I ignore him again. I can play this game all day.

"You ready?" Jin asks.

"What are we even going to say?" I ask, ignoring another call from Jaxson.

"Maybe you should just answer him?"

I look down as texts start flooding in. Where are you?! What the hell is going on? Maeve is freaking out. I had to come home! And why the HELL are you with Jin?!

Well, this isn't good.

"No way," I say, turning my phone off. "I don't have time for this right now."

"You're right; we're running out of time..."Jin says, before realizing that maybe he shouldn't have.

"Do you really think we are?"

"I dunno Vel, I mean after last night, all I know is that Red Lady escalates every night she's let loose on the house, and you can't stay awake"

"So, we need to do whatever we can to figure this out."

"Okay then," Jin says, turning the car off. "How we gonna play this?"

"I say we just get straight to the point. No bullshit or beating around the bush."

"So, we're just gonna send it?"


And with those words of confirmation, Jin and I get out of the car to walk up to the door. Big girl panties. Big girl panties! Jin obviously sees my breathing get harder because he extends his hand to ring the doorbell before I can change my mind. And as soon as the doorbell echoes throughout the house, more unfamiliar feelings enter my body. Maybe it's panic? Maybe it's more fear? I honestly don't know. All I know is that I don't like it.

Silence between Jin and I grows as our ears listen for any little movement or footstep within. Just as I begin to hear loud footsteps, I feel Jin's hand slowly reaching to interlock with mine. Great—more feelings. I don't have time to think about how Jin holding my hand makes me feel because the door flies open.

"Yes?" It's a burly man with dark, slicked-back hair and an arrogant voice, the same man from the photo, my dad.

My mind goes blank as I stare back at him, and his squirly eyes focus on me.

"Uhh..." Jin begins, squeezing my hand to try and get me to say something. "Are you Malcolm McMurvin?"

"What brings you here, Vel?" his lyrical voice resonates in the air.

He knows who I am. Big girl panties. Big girl panties! It's time to channel my inner Maeve. "Why did you come to see my mother after she died? What were you looking for?"

"Do you know who I am?" The man says, taking a step back while keeping his grip on the door.

"I know you're my dad?" I say, and as I do, he squirms as if his phone just went off in a movie theater.

"Here," he says, reaching to rummage through a cupboard by the door, returning with a book. He takes a gel pen out of his pocket and signs in. "Take this. A signed copy is worth something these days. Unless there's something else more pressing, I need to get back to my readings." He places the book in my hands and then closes the door, leaving Jin and I even more confused.

I look down, holding the book entitled, Master Malcolm's Secrets to our Stars.

"That's bullshit. He can't treat you like that!" Jin yells as he bangs on the door.

Usually, I'd be the one to have a good come back or a string of cuss words ready to hurl at anyone who messes with me, but for some reason, now I don't. I just stand frozen, holding the book my dad—I mean that man—basically just threw at me. Jin, on the other hand, has lots to say.

"Look, asshole! Open the damn door! We aren't here for a long last family reunion. We just need you to answer our questions!" Jin continues to yell as he bangs on the door.

As I listen to Jin rant and yell at the closed door, it hits me. I read the title of his book again, and one word sticks out—stars. I know how to get Master Bullshit's attention. But, it would mean admitting Jin was right.

"GREEN STARS!" I yell at the door, interrupting Jin's rant.

Jin shoots his eyes over to me as his angry face fades.

"Green stars are what I see every night as I watch myself leave my body!"

The front door creaks back right as that sentence leaves my mouth.

I knew it.

"Well, that's pressing enough," Malcolm says, his eyes focusing hard on me, "Come on in."

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