Chapter 34-Always Time for Hungarian

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"Get in the wheelchair," Malcolm says, rolling one in from the hallway.

"What's your plan?" I ask, tightening my robe around myself.

"I'm just gonna walk you straight out the doors," Malcolm says confidently.

"Oh, okay, they're just gonna let some doctor roll a patient out the front door?"

"Of course not," Malcolm says, directing me to sit.

"Do you see the flaws in your plan?!" I demand as I plop down, my body aching.

"Do you not know who I am?" Malcolm announces as if he is some Greek God.

Is he serious? "No, why would I know anything about the Dad that never bothered to get to know me?" I can't help myself. He deserves it anyway. I mean, this is his fault anyway.

"Well, not only am I a world-renowned astrologer, but I'm also infamous for my hypnosis techniques."

Of course, he is. Why wouldn't he!? "I'll believe it when I see it," I say, feeling pretty skeptical of all Master Bullshit's big talk.

"Just wait," Malcolm says, pushing me to the door. "This is where I leave you."

Before I can protest, Malcolm takes off towards the nurse's station, fumbling around in his pockets.

"Malcolm!" I whisper after him.

"Need some help?"

"Jin!" I yell as his hands move to cover my mouth.

"SHH!" He says, kneeling to face me.

"My car is just outside," he points towards an emergency exit.

I don't know if it's whatever pain drugs I'm on or the fact that I'm ricidlosuly happy to see him, but I can't focus on what Jin is saying because I'm too busy looking at his dumb, cute face. What's wrong with me? I'm either about to die or murder someone, and I'm thinking about how hot Jin is.

"What?" Jin asks, obviously noticing me staring.

"Nothing..." I say, trying to wipe the smile off my face.

Jin moves the back of his hand to feel my forehead. "You're burning hot."

"Not as hot as you." Oh shit. Did I really just say that?!

It might just be my red hair reflecting off his face, but I'm pretty sure Jin is blushing.

"I uhh...I meant for a science nerd and's just like you're all knight like right now...I mean...that like it's weird or something that you went from science nerd to knight in shining like saving me right now and all. Sorry, I'm delirious, obviously. I'm going to stop talking." That was literally the most embarrassing moment of my life.

"So..." Jin begins as a slow smile creeps on his face. "We are for sure gonna come back to this topic, but right now, we gotta focus. Malcolm's getting that nurse's access card so we can open this door without alarms."

"Cool," I say, glancing back over to see Malcolm casually strolling back down the hall, twirling an ID card on a lanyard.

"How'd you do that?" Jin asks, staring dumbfounded at Malcolm.

"You guys seriously haven't heard of me?" Malcolm scoffs, his ego continuing to bruise. "Gyerünk," he says, shooing us towards the door.

"Say what?" I ask, honestly not surprised to hear more weird crap coming out of his mouth.

"Gyerünk! It means let's go!"

"I'm sorry, but why is now the time you decide to start talking in other languages?" I ask, rolling my eyes.

"There's always time for Hungarian!" Malcolm demands as we head towards the door.

I look back to Jin, shaking my head as he tries not to laugh. The sudden motion of the wheelchair starting and then stopping has me lightheaded, and I see those little stars in my vision—the kind you get when you stand up too fast. Great, more freaking stars.

"She's not okay," Jin says, concerned as Malcolm scans the badge.

"Of course, she's not okay!"

The door clicks open, but no alarms sound.

"Told you it would work, Master Malcolm is never wrong."

The cool night air hits my face as we exit onto the street, and my head spins as the wheelchair continues to roll.

"Excuse me?" A voice calls.

I glance over to see a nurse sitting on their phone, leaning against the wall, texting.

"What are you doing with that patient?" The voice calls again, this time sterner.

"Get into the car, I'll handle this," Malcolm says discretely as Jin and I continue.

"Good evening, fellow health care provider!" Malcolm begins. "This patient is being released to her family."

"No? I'm taking her down for an MRI after my break," the man calls back.

Jin helps me into the car as we watch the exchange unfold.

"Who discharged her?" The man asks, getting suspicious.

"I have it all here..." Malcolm says, reaching into his pockets, but instead of pulling out the stolen ID badge, he pulls out what looks like a small, sage stone attached to a chain.

Malcolm holds the chain out eye-level with the nurse and begins chanting something I can't understand. It sounds like the language he was showing off earlier.

"What are you doing? I'm going to..." The nurse's words drift off as his eyes become blank.

Jin gets into the driver's seat and starts the engine as we watch the spectacle. Apparently, Master Bullshit isn't all Bullshit. Then, with a quick flick of his wrist, Malcolm puts his sage stone away and turns to head towards the car, leaving the man standing dazed and seemingly frozen in the street.

"What in the actual fuck?" I say as Malcolm slides into the backseat. I've seen my mom "hypnotize" people before but never like that. That man is literally frozen in place. His eyes look as if they are in another dimension.

"I told you two," Malcolm says, tapping on Jin's headrest, signaling him that it's time to go.

"Told us what?" I ask, my tired eyes still focused on the man standing frozen in the road.

"There's always time for Hungarian!"

*Please don't forget to vote.

*What do you think is wrong with Vel? Why is she getting sick? Will Malcolm and Jin be able to help her?

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