Chapter 3

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We followed PD Bang to a room off to the side. He sat us down and asked us for a last minute job. "I know it's last minute," he said, "but I was wondering of you could do a shoot for us on the first of March?"

"I'm sorry," i spoke up. "We have already been hired for that day." Shevi and Mo look at me confused because I hadn't told them yet. "Who?" asked PD Bang. "JYP fro Stray Kids," I answered. A clouded look comes over PD Bang's face for a second and Mo's face lit up.

We left the building shortly after. The whole way home Mo kept asking if it was true and talking excitedly about the Stray Kids shoot. She was oddly overexcited. Something was definitely going on here. 

The next few days, all Mo would talk about was the coming photo-shoot. The day before the shoot, me and Shevi got together in my apartment to keep from going crazy over Mo's constant chattering about Stray Kids.

"I guess shes a really big fan of Stray Kids," Shevi said.

This feels like something more but I cant put my finger on it," I replies. "I've never seen her this excited about anything before."

Shevi just shrugged. I glanced at my phone. I had 200 unread messages from Mo in the span of ten minutes. I quickly glanced through them. They were all Stray Kids related. I muted her contact at least until she stops talking about Stray Kids.

The next day I drove us all over to the JYP building. JYP himself brought us to the spot we would do the shoot. Mo said she needed the bathroom and disappeared.

We were almost still completely set up and Mo still hadn't come back. "Shevi," I called. "Can you finish setting up while i go find Mo?" "Sure!" she answered.

I walked around for five minutes before I came to what looked like a door that would lead to a bathroom. I opened it and my phone, which I had been holding, dropped on the floor.

It wasn't a bathroom. It was a closet and Mo was in there as well an I.N, the youngest member of Stray Kids. They were kissing.

A/N I have the next chapter written but I don't think I'm going to post it today. I want you guys to suffer in the cliffhanger. I f I'm feeling nicer later tonight I might post it. It's also a really long chapter

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