Chapter 12

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"Guys," I said after having Mo and Shev come to my apartment, "I'm really sorry for yelling at you two. I just felt like you guys were keeping too many secrets from me and each other and I just exploded. I should have waited until we could all sit down and have a civilised conversation. I'm really sorry guys. It's all my fault."

I started crying because everything combined, it just became too much. "I'm sorry for not telling you things," Shevi started. "I just didn't feel like it was the right time yet."

"It's fine," I said shakily, Mo holding onto me comfortingly. "I'm completely at fault here. I should have done better. It's all my fault."

"Stop beating yourself up!" Mo said. "We are all partly at fault here. I for sure forgive you. Everyone makes mistakes. Don't beat yourself up."

"I agree," Shevi said, "and I also forgive you."

We all hugged each other before Shevi asked me if anything else was wrong because I was still crying. "I don't know," I said. "After our fight that day Yeonjun confessed to me and I rejected him and now he's a depressed mess and that's also my fault and Felix has been ignoring me since that day as well and that's probably my fault too and I just want to have a conversation with him and my heart hurts because he's ignoring me!"

My steam of tears continued as Mo and Shevi thought about what I had said. "First of all," Mo started, "the fact that Yeonjun is depressed is not your fault. It's no one's fault-"

"But it is," I interrupted. "I'm the one who rejected him."

"No!" Shevi said forcefully. "It's not your fault and doubt this thing with Felix is either. Also didn't you say it hurts that he's ignoring you?" She paused as I nodded. "Do you like him?" She then asked.

I shook my head no before Mo said "Are you sure?" and then they were teasing me that I like Felix. I don't though. They are being crazy.

"Guys," I said after joking around with them for a bit, "I'm going to visit Yeonjun. I want to try to cheer him up."

"Should we come with you?" they both ask.

"I think it's best if I go alone."

I called Soobin to tell him I was coming. I arrived shortly after and went up to their apartment. Beomgyu answered the door. I heard Taehyun and Huening Kai playing a game in the other room. Soobin was coming out of the kitchen and when he saw me he led me over to Yeonjun's room.

Soobin knocked on the door and Yeonjun was heard from the other side. "What do you want?" he asked. "Someone is here to see you." "I don't want to see anyone."

I opened the door and slowly came into the room closing the door behind me. Yeonjun was lying in his bed facing the wall. His shoulders were shaking.

I sat on the edge of his bed and put my hand on his back. He turned around and looked at me with his tear streaked face before hugging me and crying into my shoulder. I rubbed his back while he sobbed. I felt really bad. I started crying again.

He must have heard me sniffling because after a little while he looked up at me. "Are you okay?" He asked through his own tears. I shook my head no but didn't say anything.

He slowly calmed down and soon he stopped hugging me and looked at me. "Thank you," he said. Your welcome," I said wiping my eyes. "Now, what's wrong?" He asked me. I shook my head no but he asked again.

Just then Soobin came in. He took one look at the situation and walked out. "I think he wants to sleep," Yeonjun said. "Lets go to the rooftop." He put on his coat and brought me to the roof. Soobin saw us heading out but didn't say anything.

When we got to the rooftop I could see how red and swollen Yeonjun's eyes were. I started crying yet again. It was all my fault. Yeonjun again asked me what was wrong and this time I told him.

I told him about how everything was my fault and about the fight and about Felix and him. "Shoshana!" He said firmly, "It's not your fault. From what you told me of your fight, that's not completely your fault either. None of it is your fault."

I just shook my head no and continued crying. We had a long conversation that lasted way I to the morning. As I was about to leave Yeonjun asked me "Do you like Felix?"

"I don't think so," I replied. Yeonjun shrugged and we walked back to his apartment. I made sure he got inside and, seeing Taehyun and Huening Kai still playing, I told them to go to bed. Soobin was asleep and Beomgyu was on Weverse. I told him to go to bed as well. As I was leaving Yeonjun came up to me. "Thank you for coming. It really helped." He told me then added in "Oh! Happy birthday!" I smiled and said goodbye.

I got home and got in my bed but I couldn't fall asleep. Thoughts if the day were running through my head and everything circled back to one thing. Did I like Lee Felix?

Sorry I haven't published for a while. I've been lazy. Anyways, here's the next chapter and I wrote chapters 23 and 24 yesterday so I should get back into regular uploads. It's just annoying to type it all up. Anyways, I hope you enjoy.

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