Chapter 4

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The two turned around when they heard my phone fall. Both were blushing like crazy and I.N tried to hide behind Mo. "You guys are so cute!" I squealed. I heard running feet and heard a deep voice say "What's cute?"

I turned and saw the rest of Stray Kids running towards us with Felix in the front. "Them!" I say pointing into the closet. Mo and I.N step out. "Oh my God," Chan yells, "I.N! You have a girlfriend?! Why didn't you tell us?"

I.N quietly said "I was scared to." They all rushed in and hugged him.  "You don't have to be scared of us Innie," They said. "You deserve to have a girlfriend."

"Well I guess that's why you were so excited for this shoot," I said looking towards Mo. "Wait," Seungmin said, "You guys are the photographers for our shoot today?" "Yes," Shevi said coming around the corner. 

We all went to the room of the photo-shoot and got the last minute things done. We were doing the shoot for Miroh. The time seemed to fly by and soon it was time to pack up. All the members came over as we were leaving.

Han spoke up. "First of all, we would like to exchange numbers with you guys. Second of all, we will be off in twenty minutes. Maybe you could wait and we could go do something together after?" "Sure!" we all agreed.

Soon I was driving my car with me, Mo, Shevi, I.N, and Felix, while Chan took everyone else in another car. "Where are we going?" Shevi asked. "It's a surprise," Felix answered.

We arrived shortly after at an arcade. We all spread out and played different games. Me and Felix ended up at competing at a certain racing game. He kept winning and taunting me. When I finally beat him after an hour of playing the same game, I jumped up and danced around.

He quickly grabbed my arm and told me to be quieter. "We don't want to draw too much attention to ourselves," he said. "I don't know if you know but I'm famous and I don't want to get mobbed here." He had a twinkle in his eye. I could tell he was teasing me.

After two hours of fun in the arcade they invited us to their dorm for dinner. Since we had to go anyway because of car-space, we agreed. 

I followed Chan's car in a familiar direction. We pretty soon arrived at the back entrance of our apartment complex. I parked my car and we all went upstairs. They lived in the penthouse apartment.

As we took the elevator up and passed the fourth floor Shevi said, "Hi apartment." "You live here?" Hyunjin asked. "Yup! We all do," Shevi answered. "I live on the fourth floor and Mo and Shosh live on the seventh."

"I can't believe we live in the same apartment complex!" Mo half screeched. Jeongin held her in a back hug. They were really adorable.

We got off at the top floor and looked around. The entire floor was four penthouse apartments. "Got7, Day6, and Twice live in the other three," Chan filled us in.

The apartment wasn't even the same layout as ours. while ours had two bedrooms and one bathroom, theirs had four bedrooms and Three bathrooms as well as a bigger kitchen, living room, and dining room area.

Most of the boys disappeared as did Mo. Chan went to make something in the kitchen, and Me, Shevi, and Felix sat down in front of the TV.

Felix put on Itaewon Class and we watched it for twenty minutes until Chan called everyone over for dinner. My phone started ringing in middle of the meal. It was my mom. I picked it up and walked into the hallway. 

"Hi mom."

"Hi sweetie."

"What's up?"

"It's your father," she said.

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