6 // Goldenrods

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You woke up from your space on the medical bed in the basement lab

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You woke up from your space on the medical bed in the basement lab. You stretched, your arms and back a little stiff from sleeping on a surface that was a little too stiff itself. Hopping off the surface, you made your way up the basement and into the kitchen, waving hello to the other residents and heading to the cabinets for a glass of water as if it was a morning routine. You'd only been here less than a day and you acted like you'd lived here for years.

Well, then again... You had.

"Mornin, kiddos." You said with a yawn as you took a sip of your glass of water and took a deep breath to try and stay awake. You and Membrane stayed up quite late last night; reminiscing, joking, crying.

Gaz and Dib gave you more strange glances, especially the lightning bolt-haired boy. You rose an eyebrow at the two of them. "What? Is it something I said?" You asked.

You'd been wearing their father's lab coat like some sort of comforter around your shoulders. They had no idea of how comfortably you'd been around Membrane when you were younger. No one did.

Then the tired dad himself walked in, yawning. "Have either of you seen one of my lab coats? I counted one less in my wardrobe than-" His eyes, though still covered with his goggles, widened and his eyebrows shot to the top of his forehead for a second. "(Y/N)!" He cried, his metal, yet-to-be-gloved metal hand shooting to his head. He swiped away any loose hairs that made him look messy and exhausted. "You were real!" He seemed both astonished and like he wanted to run and hug you.

"Morning to you too, Professor." You said taking another sip of water. "You look terrible. You should get more sleep." You chuckled with a teasing grin.

Membrane stumbled over his words, both extremely excited that you were actually real and extremely terrified, because that meant you were going to actually work with him.

"Calm down and get something to eat." You said walking past him and patting his shoulder. "I'll be wearing your lab coat and my old clothes today until I can get some new ones. For now, I need a major shower."

He stood there, watching you walk away down the hall with a cool smile. It was almost slow motion as he watched you disappear from his field of view. For a mere moment, he was terrified. Terrified that maybe, you might not come back from the corner you were turning.

His children snapped him out of that quickly. "Dad!" Gaz and Dib called. He turned his head.

"You woke up late. That's weird." Gaz muttered.

Membrane still had yet to do his hair, put on his gloves, or fix his goggles. When he realized one of his coats was missing, he thought that it might have been lost in the explosion from yesterday. He knew the explosion occurred because his head still pounded in pain from it. He'd placed on another lab coat for the time being, but he still couldn't find his other one - his favorite - until he saw it draped around your shoulders. Just like you used to do when you were children.

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