11 // Lilacs

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You'd think that the first time he realized that this was something more than a friendship, he'd done something to react

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You'd think that the first time he realized that this was something more than a friendship, he'd done something to react. You'd think there would have been some big event that changed the way he saw you. You'd think there was something about you on that one day that just stopped him from pretending he was just a friend. You'd think he'd change and maybe act different by trying to get your attention, but that just wasn't him.


"What's that?" Membrane asked as he looked over your shoulder.

You'd just pulled a little folded paper out of your 8th grade locker. "I dunno." You mumbled, opening it up and quickly scanning over the writing. "Oh." Your eyes went wide. "Ohhh.." You shifted left and right on your feet uncomfortably with a strange expression.

Membrane had never seen you act like this and it was worrying him. Was something wrong? What happened? Did someone send you a threat message and you were actually afraid of that person? Was it bad news about your grades? Perhaps even about your family?

"It's... It's a love letter." You stared at it awkwardly. You didn't know how to respond to this. After all, your 'relationship' with the writer was a little rocky.

"WHAT!?" Membrane's eyes shot wide open, and for a second it was almost like his goggles were about to fly off of his head. "A- a love letter!?" He was thoroughly panicking, and he had no idea as to why.

You nodded and shoved it quickly into your pocket. Still debating your response to the person, you gave a glance to your best friend beside you and rose an eyebrow. "What's the matter?" You'd never think he'd react so dramatically to something like this. The two of you had spoken about crushes before. Neither of you had much to say though.

"Who was it from?" He automatically began asking questions. "Does it say who it was from?"

You only let out a hum and nodded. "Yeah, and he asked me to meet him by the back of the gym by myself." You narrowed your eyes at the floor, glaring at it. "I don't know if I trust it though."

"Why? Who was it from?"

He seemed really insistent on knowing who it was from. You were a little uncomfortable with telling him though. "I... Um..." You stumbled over your words, and it only worried him more. "You know what?" You finally held that familiar determination in your eyes again as you looked at your best friend. "Let's go find out."

You hauled your backpack higher on your shoulders and you took Membrane's hand in yours, causing him to jolt up when you tugged him forward. You were on your guard and had the look of a soon-to-be murderer in your eyes.

The two of you finally rounded the corner of the gym, finding the meeting place that had him waiting there. The boy had a group of his friends there, all waiting for you like some sort of gang fight was about to happen. Although with who you were dealing with, you doubted it would end in any other way.

After all, your admirer was one of the boys who you'd fought on the first day of 6th grade. Eric Chandler. He was partly the reason that your reputation was a little violent.

Membrane's eyes shot wide open when he realized the position you were both in and he instinctually latched onto your sleeve. "(Y/N), let's go." He said, his voice shaking. "LET'S GO!" He tugged at you, urging you to run with him, but you didn't move.

The bully's lackeys rushed forward, three of them already ready to beat the two of you up, but it was all stopped by a single shout.

"That's enough!" Eric spoke in a commanding tone, and all of the bully's stopped in their tracks. "Get back here, assholes." His orders were absolute and they all tiptoed back.

You glanced behind you, Membrane was still latched onto your shirt, his metal arms nearly ripping the fabric from the sheer force of his grip. Despite that he looked like a ghost, your best friend was alright.

"Sorry about them..." Eric muttered, finally walking forward. "They were just trying to scare you."

The boy changed a lot since he was in 6th grade. He got taller, skinnier, and strangely, more manipulative, but more intelligent. He wasn't as much of a snobby little brat as back then. He actually had the means to back up his narcissism.

"What do you want from me, Eric?" You nearly hissed, Membrane's eyebrows knitting together as he heard your hostile tone. No matter how many times you used it against bullies or those who disregarded him, child and adult alike, it shook him to his core. He was reminded that as much as you were his hero; you were a villain in their eyes.

"I wasn't lying." Eric said firmly. "I..." Suddenly your old bully was hesitant and he looked flustered, unsure of how to proceed. "I like you." He said finally, trying to keep the tough guy act on for a while longer.

You could only stare at him, half awkward, half bitter by the audacity. "Well, I have to turn you down. I don't like you like that." You said it in the most monotone way, that Membrane almost forgot you were talking to your common enemy. It was almost as if you were speaking to a stranger.

Nothing more was exchanged. Eric nodded and they left the back of the building. You released Membrane's grip from your shirt and the two of you headed home, walking because you missed the bus. It wasn't a problem anymore, after all you just... well in a way, you got rid of your main predators. Theoretically the rest of your 8th grade year should go smoothly.

Even then, Membrane couldn't shake this recurring and incontrollable thought.

What if you'd said yes?

What if you'd returned his feelings? It was almost impossible, but the 'almost' shook him to the core. What happened if you left him? If you had a boyfriend or girlfriend in the future, which you most definitely would, what would happen to him? What would happen to his best friend? Would he be shoved to the side in favor for a lover?

Strangely, the idea of you being with someone else caused his anxiety to stir. He didn't want to lose you to someone else.


He thought that the day he realized he loved you, he would have done something about it. He thought that perhaps he'd try and change the way he approached you to try and give you hints. He thought he might stop pretending that it was alright he was only a friend, but that just wasn't him, and it wasn't you either.

Nothing changed. There was no change. There was only realization that neither of you could stay away from each other for very long without it being torturous.

Yet, you hadn't seen him in 7 years, and he hadn't seen you in 27. It was torturous, but perhaps now the two of you would finally have the courage to say something about it now.

 It was torturous, but perhaps now the two of you would finally have the courage to say something about it now

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