19 // Anemones

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"The day you left

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"The day you left..." Membrane couldn't even finish his sentence. He turned his head with a painful expression. "I still don't understand why you left." He whispered, the two of you standing a few feet apart from one another.

He looked up, thinking that maybe you'd answer, but he was only met with silence and the guilty look on your face. The evening stars began to peek through the darkening horizon, and it seemed as though the night's conversation would reflect that brief sunshine. You had to face reality eventually.

What he didn't expect, was your next question. "Your parents... What did they tell you?"

He opened his mouth and closed it several times under his cowl, but finally he decided that it was best if he told you the whole story.


He groaned and tossed around in his sheets as he woke up. Strangely enough, it was still dark in his room, which he was thankful for. His hangover was killing him. Maybe he shouldn't have had so much alcohol, after all this was his first time drinking. You'd always stop anyone from swapping his drink any other time you'd drag him to a party.

Honestly, he had you to thank for so much. You'd taken him to his first high school party in junior year, although it was awkward because you'd really just ended up leading him around the party, showing how tall he'd gotten in comparison to your old bullies. It was weird that none of them targeted the two of you anymore. Sure, he had new ones, but the old ones seemed... dare he say it, nicer, since the end of middle school. He was completely sure it was because Eric Chandler never stopped crushing on you, and it always made him overanalyze the teen's words and actions around you.

For now though, he rolled out of bed with a thump, he smoothed out his lightning bolt hair, which was sticking up in different directions. He let out a sigh and made his way onto his feet, glancing at the clock on his nightstand. It was 2 in the afternoon! He slept for more than half the day already! He hadn't gotten this much sleep in years, but where were you? Usually you'd wake him up around 10 if something like this happened.


He was supposed to confess his love for you last night, but got so wasted before he had the courage that you'd probably taken his declaration of love as a joke! How could he screw up this badly!?

He stumbled out of his room, "(Y/N)!" He called for you, rushing down the stairs and nearly tripping on the way down. "(Y/N!)" He burst into the kitchen, seeing someone behind the door of the open fridge, he couldn't see without his goggles on (they were prescription). "I love you!"

"Well, I love you too honey, but I'm afraid you may be too late." Wait, that wasn't your voice. He squinted and realized that was his mother standing behind the fridge door.

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