A/N : Aesthetics

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Hey there everyone! It's me. Ya boi.

I'm glad to hear that everyone is enjoying my book, and it's really nice to see so many familiar profile pictures! And actually I know that it's been almost a month since I last updated, but I have come to tell you the reason as to why...

I have become INCREDIBLY lazy when it comes to making the aesthetics that come at the end of each chapter, as of late, and I'll be getting busier with school starting again, BUT - I have some pre-written chapters in case of these occurrences! So I have them all edited (for the most part) and ready to be published!

The only problem is that I don't have the 30 minutes of sit down time it takes to make an edit or aesthetic. Not including the time it takes to look for aesthetic looking pictures.


I've come to ask for your help.

If anyone could make some aesthetics, (crappy or not, because I know mine are too lol) and submit them to me, that would be great! Just DM on my Instagram and tell me you're interested! I'll give you the name of the chapter (a type of flower), and all you have to do is make an edit or aesthetic with that flower in it and a picture of our beautiful DILF, Professor Membrane!

If you do happen to submit some to me, then I'll feature them on this book with a shoutout to your beautiful aesthetic or edit!

And if you make 3 or more submissions, then I'll even make a short oneshot (subject or theme of your choice) for you and whatever character that has been mentioned in this book! (Yes that includes Dave.)

OH! But I suggest PMing me on Wattpad before you DM me on my Instagram because honestly I do not check my Instagram as much as I should.

So, I'll be holding my Instagram username back until someone decides to PM me about it, and then I'll hand over my Instagram username when you need to send it to me and we can talk about the details there!

Thanks everyone! Hopefully I'll see you in the next update!


Flowers to Transcend Time || Professor MembraneWhere stories live. Discover now