22 // Yellow Carnations

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All of last night was a blur

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All of last night was a blur. After the two of you poured your heart out to each other and cried a good while, eventually Membrane needed to present his next groundbreaking idea. It took a few minutes, but you finally pried him off of you (reluctantly). After all, you wanted him to show 'Red' how great he really was.

He presented his idea as quickly and efficiently as possible, practically jumped off stage and then headed home with you in hand without a second to spare. At first you thought he was excited to cuddle with you at home or something, but really, he was panicking because it was literally almost 10.

When you asked why he was panicking, he said it was because, despite everything, Dave actually did keep tabs on him in a similar way you did. He did it a lot more subtly though. If Dave set out a curfew for him for events such as these, he'd find himself knee deep in salt water in his own lab because of the disaster Dave predicted the night before. If Dave said that he should probably get some sleep for the first time in weeks, then he'd find himself locked out of his own office or worse, being shot with a tranquilizer dart.

Sometimes you wondered how Dave stayed an employee at Membrane Labs. After all, your dear Goggles didn't have that much patience. Oh, and yes you were totally becoming more and more uncomfortable with the idea that someone had this type of influence on him besides you. You didn't want to put Dave out of a job though. He was fun and the only person who understood your struggle of trying to reign in someone as intelligent and driven as Professor Membrane.

Speaking of which, to be quite honest, not much changed after two you finally said aloud how you felt, but it wasn't as if you hadn't already known. The two of you hadn't even told the children yet. After all, the biggest difference was that you weren't afraid to be even more affectionate or demand his attention anymore. Not that you really needed to.

Besides, you knew Gaz and Dib were smart. At the very least, Gaz would figure it out.

It was actually late in the morning, around 9 AM, and you and Membrane were rushing about the house, hurrying out the door, still fixing your appearances as the two of you climbed into a car and were driven to Membrane Labs. The two of you had gotten home a little later than 10 PM, and spent some time a little after being awkward and trying to adjust to the idea that you two finally confessed your feelings to each other. There came an agreement that yes, the two of you were officially in a relationship, but that was just a title, honestly. The two of you knew you'd loved each other for years. This was just like slapping a label on something that was already existing.

You two would have continued that awkwardness again this morning if it wasn't for the fact that you were both late for work. You'd think that since Membrane ran his own company, he wouldn't have to worry about being late for work, but he had a meeting that he should have been at an hour ago.

Waking up late was bad, but Membrane was panicking more than you'd thought appropriate for this sort of thing. "Goggles? What's wrong?" You asked as you ran your finger through your hair to make it seem more presentable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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