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Membrane sat at his office desk, although still pretty cluttered, not as much of a mess anymore

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Membrane sat at his office desk, although still pretty cluttered, not as much of a mess anymore. You had forced him to clean it up today while you went to play with his children. It was disappointing that they got to spend time with you while he was busy sulking in his office on a weekend. He couldn't even work either. You specifically told Dave not to let him until he finished cleaning.

So instead he laid his face on his desk, grumbling and groaning like some sort of fourteen year old who didn't want to clean his room. Dave stood at the door, watching him complain to himself like a child, and for a moment, the assistant forgot that Membrane was actually a decade older than him. Still, this was the first time he'd seen the professor act like this.

"Dave let me out." Membrane tried again, looking up at his assistant from his pitiful state.

Dave only shook his head. "I have strict orders from (Y/N), Professor. If you want to leave, you can call them, because frankly, I'm more fearful of them than I am of you, sir." It was shocking that Dave would say such a thing, considering that Professor Membrane was his employer, but he knew that if anything happened to him today, you would vouch for him. He's seen your persuasion skills, and not only when it comes to Membrane. He'd probably end up making more money than he did before if you'd scolded Membrane for firing him.

Membrane knew this as well, so he didn't bother trying to fight for his freedom. After all, his office was a mess, and you were technically right. It did need to be cleaned. It would be a lot easier though if you allowed him to make a cleaning robot to handle this. Although ever since you'd heard that they'd malfunction at just the sight of it, you forbid it.

It took a few more minutes of sulking, but eventually Membrane stood from his spot at his desk and began picking up after himself. It took a while to sort through the papers by himself, and despite that he was used to silence while working, your sudden appearance into his life made the silence lonely.

Dave could see how his shoulders sagged while he worked. Usually the Professor dreaded paperwork, yes, but he'd do it in a less... soggy way. He'd at least try and look professional or immersed in his work. He obviously couldn't even focus, so Dave spoke up.

"You were right." Dave said aloud, catching Membrane's attention. "They truly are amazing."

Membrane's bright eyes shown through his goggles for a moment, despite that Dave couldn't see it from all the way across the room, he at least saw the Professor's demeanor shift upwards. "Yes, they are." Membrane replied, his chest filling with a fuzzy and warm feeling.

"Is this why you've told no one about them for decades?" Dave really called him out like that out of nowhere.

Membrane stopped in his tracks, looking over a stack of paper to stare at Dave. Although there was a pause in his answer, he did reply. "Yes, and no." He seemed a bit sad about his answer. "I was afraid that they'd be forgotten, but I... I suppose that was my fault. It was painful for me to remember them, after all."

"Yes, you told me that during the Christmas party five years ago. You'd spoken a lot about how much you admired (Y/N). How much they've done for you."

There was a long pause between the two men, Membrane not even really having enough motivation (or rather mental stability) to continue cleaning for the hour. Just a simple conversation between two emotionally stunted men, really.

Then Dave asked a question that the genius had been asking himself for a while now. "If you loved them so much, Membrane... Why didn't you tell them how you felt when you were children?"

Membrane chuckled to himself bitterly, massaging the bridge of his nose in hopes to relieve the tension and emotion building there. "I did plan to." He whispered, just loud enough for the approaching assistant to hear. "But they left right before I could." He let out a painful, breathless sigh. "I didn't even stand a chance anyway."

Dave placed his hand on the man's shoulder. "Well now you do." He said plainly, causing Membrane to look over his shoulder at him. "Because they're here now, and if it wasn't obvious enough, I think it's safe to say that they do love you."

Membrane's eyes went wide, completely shocked by the statement as he staggered backwards, colliding with his desk and flinching. It seemed completely absurd, but to Dave it was obvious as daylight. Membrane was just too dense and set in stone to see it. Honestly, he felt like he was trying to convince a child. Which in a way, he was. He was trying to convince the child in Membrane.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm serious." Dave protested against the Professor's gawking. "You seriously haven't seen it until now? If they acted like this when you were children too, then I'm surprised you didn't ask them out in high school." Membrane sputtered for a second, unable to refute his words. "Well, they're here now. Take the opportunity, Membrane." Dave gave a smirk, one that seemed completely out of character and caused the Professor to take a step back. "I thought you were all about opportunity, Professor."

There was a moment of processing that Membrane went through. First he simply stared at Dave, a new perspective shining onto his long time assistant. Second he stared at the floor, looking and studying it as he thought to himself. And finally, he ran up to Dave, grabbed the man by the shoulders and have him a haughty laugh and shake.

"Thank you, Dave!" He beamed. This time the assistant really did see the brown-golden irises beneath the blue goggles. "You're right, and I will." He was determined. "After nearly 30 years, I think it's finally time I told (Y/N) how I felt."

Membrane chuckled to himself, letting his assistant go. "I'm just surprised I waited this long to tell them."

"Me too." Dave replied with a chuckle. "But you still have to clean this place up."

Another groan emerged from the Professor's cowl and he returned to cleaning, although this time he seemed more motivated.

Another groan emerged from the Professor's cowl and he returned to cleaning, although this time he seemed more motivated

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