7 // Geraniums

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"Thanks Dave!" You said as you waved the strange man goodbye

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"Thanks Dave!" You said as you waved the strange man goodbye. "And sorry again for what your boss's done to you for the past 15 years, I'm afraid he's got less of a moral code with strangers than with me." And with that you ended your tour for the day.

You'd gotten a pretty good idea where everything was because it was all organized. The radioactive scientific experiments were all in one quarantined area, and everything else kind of followed after. Dave showed you the cafeteria, bathrooms, offices, laboratories, and from the higher floors of Membrane Labs, you could see the Membrane auditorium. It was shaped like his head, and you couldn't help but laugh. Since you left, his ego inflated quite a bit.

You were pretty excited to work here, as you'd eventually be seeing just about everything there was to see at Membrane Labs. You'd be working directly under the professor himself. Membrane wouldn't admit it, but it was because he wanted to keep an eye on you. There was just a list of things that could go wrong if you didn't - like you accidentally got hurt because of someone else's mistake, or even your own, or worse if this 'time travel' ordeal was temporary and one day you just 'poof' back to where you were before and he would have to go searching for you all over again...

It was about 2 in the afternoon. Although your tour ran a little later than you'd thought it would, you still could have lunch with Membrane. It wasn't like he would stop working to eat any time soon. He'd forget if someone didn't remind him. That much didn't change.

You smiled subconsciously at the memories of when you'd need to physically drag him away from his labs in the basement, garage, and shed. He'd even set up a mini-lab in your own backyard once. Didn't last though; you'd both blown it up, to the horror of your family.

Your family... Your mood dampened a little at the reminder of what happened to them - although you didn't know what exactly. They sort of just disappeared one day...

You shook those negative thoughts from your head and took a deep breath, plastering a casual smile back on your face as you slid the key card across a door lock. It opened, and immediately you saw the entire place was buzzing with chaos. There were a few, more level-headed people looking to you, saying words like 'Who are you?' and 'What are you doing here?' and 'Hurry! Get out of here while you still can!'. It seemed as though Membrane hadn't told anyone that you were going to stop by and pay him a visit.

They must have assumed you were a guest, and you kind of were, and were trying to rush you out. You did nothing but pick up a set of goggles and make your way through the room. You had Membrane's lab coat on from earlier this morning, but you were still a foreign face, even if you looked like you knew what you were doing.

You ignored them and slid past any attempts to try and push you out, doing nothing more than show them Membrane's personal all-access key card as your ID. After all, you'd just arrived, you wouldn't have your ID printed out until tomorrow morning. You saw Membrane huddled over an experiment in the corner, others running to and past him as they traded chemicals and etc. As you approached him, you couldn't help but smile at the familiar expression he was making. His eyebrows were knitted, and you had a feeling his tongue was sticking out under the tall cover of his lab coat. He was concentrating hard enough that he forgot to pay attention to his surroundings.

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