12 // Bluebells

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Three days passed since you'd begun working at Membrane Labs, and if you could say anything definitely about your new lifestyle - well

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Three days passed since you'd begun working at Membrane Labs, and if you could say anything definitely about your new lifestyle - well... Actually there was a long list, so we might as well begin describing it.

Your first official day of work was tiring beyond comprehension. You ended up falling sleep on the car ride back home and Membrane had to carry you inside on his back. It seemed fair, considering that you lugged him up his own basement steps the day you got here. You could hardly remember what happened that day, honestly. You remembered watering and caring for flowers in the afternoon. Getting there first there in the morning and seeing three people run around on fire. Having lunch with Membrane at the cafeteria. And then having a car ride home with a bunch of body guards. It was strange how the events seemed out of order to...

Still, the second day, you mainly spent you time working beside Membrane. You basically followed him and Dave around, taking notes about his bad habits which got worse, and making sure he doesn't accidentally sever another limb because of it. Surprisingly, you were almost sure Dave knew Membrane just as well as you did. If you were honest... You were a little jealous. Of course, you'd never say it out loud though. The day was a blur, but eventually by the end of the day, the two of you fixed housing arrangements. You'd still be sleeping in the basement lab until the new room was done being constructed. It was weird to think Membrane would be done with it in a few weeks at most. Usually these things took months.

The third day was a weekend, and by some miracle, you managed to convince Membrane to stay home and actually spend quality time with his kids. You thought they were adorable, and they actually spent the entire day asking you several invasive questions. You thought it was audacious, but it was amusing as well. Sometimes you even antagonized them with wicked answers, only to be laughing at your own jokes. Membrane nearly had a heart attack when you told the kids about how you took him to his first high school party and he crushed the beer-pong game.

Today was the fourth day, a Sunday morning, and you'd already told Membrane that today it was just gonna be you and his kids. You were gonna play with them all day today, because God knows you hardly even did much with them yesterday. Really, you just told them crazy stories about their dad, which they marginally enjoyed.

They were still skeptical of you of course, but... With every story you told and every passing day, it was harder and harder for Dib to be suspicious of you, and easier for Gaz to see that you were hiding something.

"Why do I have to be here?" Gaz hissed, glaring at you and Dib as the two of you hid in a bush.

You glanced back at Gaz. "Because I said we could all do what you both wanted." You said simply, taking a pair of binoculars from Dib.

You'd told both of them that we could do whatever they wanted today, and they both had four hours in the day to do whatever they'd like. Gaz had already picked her past time - videogames, which yes, you'd yet to do, but that was because Dib was very insistent on this stake out first thing in the morning.

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