Chapter 17*

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I couldn't sleep that night. He is one my mind the whole time but deep inside me I know that I have to get over him. It's just so hard. And the fact that he's my teacher and friends with my  parents doesn't make it easier for me. Why couldn't I fall in love with someone my age so I would could suffer a "normal" heartbreak? I can't even cry at my moms' shoulder or tell anyone how I feel. I have to play cool at home and at school and pretend that my heart isn't broken into thousand pieces, so I'm obviously glad to stay the weekend at Mias' house.

We spend the whole Sunday in her bed watching movies, eating ice cream and did a lot more talking. I feel kinda better when I'm on the bus on my way home.

"How was your weekend?" My mom asks when I arrive at home.


"What did you do?" Dad asks. They are sitting in the living room.

"We went to a club and watched a lot of movies. What girls do." I smile and sit down next to them. We watch some tv till I say good night and get ready for bed. I really don't wanna go to school tomorrow.


Weeks pass by and nothing special happens. I couldn't really forget about him. I tried, but everytime I saw him or heard his voice my world cracked into pieces.

"Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken
All the scares are open"

I'm sitting onthe bus on my way home from school. It's finally Friday. But tomorrow is my dads birthday party and guess who's coming too? Right. Christian. You can't imagine how happy I am. Note the sarcasm. Anyway I finish my homework as fast as I could, clean up my room and watch 90210 the whole night. I just discovered this show and I'm obsessed. Why am I like this? When I find a new show, then all Ido is watching it all night long, barley get any sleep. And my social life isaffected by that as well. I didn't do much with Julia or Matt in the past fewweeks. I just shut myself out and spend some alone-time.

The next morning I take a long shower and prepare breakfast for my parents. When they come downstairs I hug my dad first and mom and I are singing 'Happy Birthday' for him. We eat our breakfast and clean up the house a bit and get everything done for the 'party'.

I straight my hair, apply some make up and put on a black high waisted skirt with some patterned tights, a "the 1975" crop top and some vans because heels would be too uncomfortable for staying at home.

The door bell rings and my grandparents enter the house. I hug both of the them and we sit down in the living room. Soon some other people arrive like my other grandparents, aunts and uncles and some friends of my parents. The only one missing is Christian. I really hope that he doesn't show up.

"How is life, Lynn?" Grandma asks.

"As good as a teenage life can be." I smile at her.

"Any boys?" She smirkes.

With that the door opens and he enters the room.

"Ahm. No. There are no boys worth to mention." I keep eye contact with him when he sits down across from me. I hope he can hear how hurt I am. When grandma notices that I didn't look at her she turns around to faces him.

"And you are?" She asks.

"I'm Christian. A friend. Nice to meet you Ma'am."

"Oh please call me Lucy dear."

He smiles at her.

Mom calls out for dinner and we sit down at the dining table. And guess who sits down across from me. Christian of course. Why? Does he like to hurt me? Is the whole universe plotting against me?

"Why didn't you bring your girlfriend with you? " One of dads friends ask him.

"I knew someone attractive like you isn't single." Grandma says proudly. I smile slightly at her comment.

"Britney and I broke up."

"Oh I'm sorry. " he says.

"You don't have to. It wasn't meant to be."

I caught Christian looking at me but I feel uncomfortable with him staring at me so I give him an annoyed glance and look away. But he keeps starting at me. I would like to yell at him to stop but I obviously can't do that.

"Huh?" Someone taps Christans shoulder and caught my attention as well.

"I was asking if there's any other girl?"

"Well, there is someone but its complicated. "

"So you have a girlfriend? "

"No, we are not together. Like I said it's complicated. " he looks at me. I can't stand his glance so I look away and take a sip of my water. How dare he to say that there is someone. He broke up with me. He broke my heart. He end up everything. It's his fault that there is no longer an 'us'.
They continue their conversation but I don't really listen till my aunt says to me:
"How is school, Lynn?"

"Oh its alright." I'm so annoyed by this small talk thats always going on, when the whole family is back together. Everyone always wants to talk about boys and school - two things that are unfortunately conected in my case.

"What is your opinion to that, Christian? " my mom asks smirking. She still thinks it's funny that he is my teacher.

"Like she said its okay. She has good grades, but sometimes she could pay more attention. "

"How do you know?" My uncle asks confused.

"I'm her english teacher." He says simply.

"What's like to be a teacher?"

And again I zone out. 

After dinner I help my mom to clean up the table and the kitchen.
"Mom, go back, you have guests. I do the dishes."

"Thank you, honey." She hugs me and leaves.
I do the dishes when someone enters the kitchen.

"What do you need?" I ask without looking who entered.

"I want to talk to you."

"Christian leave." I sigh.

"Lynn, please."

"What? You play the heart broken and say that there is someone. You are the one who broke up with me. So stop that drama. I'm the one who is hurt. "

"Do you really think I'm not hurt? Of course I am. I love you but I want your best and I think that you should be with someone your age, like I said and weren't you saying something similar when we had our talk? You know that I can't forget you as well, but I think.. I think that.."

"You think what?"

"That it's for the best like, if it stays like it is right now."

"Well, I don't agree."
I turn around and continue doing the dishes. After a minute or two I hear him leaving. Tears are falling down my cheeks. When I finishcleaning everything up, I go to the bathroom to checkif I'm presentable. By the time everyoneis back in the living room and guess where the only empty seat is? Right,across from Christian. It feels like the universe wants us together. I sit downand listen to their conversations and play a bit on my phone. I can feelsomeones eyes on me. I know it's him but I don't want to look up or else I'd get lost in the beauty of his eyes.

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