Chapter 1

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Aliyah's p.o.v
School. The place I hated the most. The only good thing that came out of going was seeing all my friends.

It was currently 7:17 am, and I had about an hour to get ready until I had to leave.

I groaned once again, and rolled out of bed. I walked into the bathroom and striped down before getting into the shower.

I didn't bother washing my hair this morning cause I just washed it last night.

I grabbed my lavender loofah, and mango scented body wash, and made sure to cover every inch of my caramel toned skin in it.

Once I was done I picked out an outfit and got dressed. I wore black and grey plaid pants and a black short sleeve crop top. I added some hoop earrings, and white airforces.

To finish off my look, I grabbed my lock necklace that's matching with one Darren has, and put it around my neck.

I jogged downstairs to see my mom sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper and having a coffee.

"Hey mama." I walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hey sweetie. There's some bacon and eggs on the counter, on a plate if you want it. Your dad had some, he actually just left."

I nodded. "I will, thanks."

After I ate I put my dish in the sink and ran upstairs to brush my teeth.

Once I walked back to my room, I heard my phone going off. I picked it up to see that Darren texted me.

Dar 😩💖
Hey Aliyah :)

Dar 😩💖
I'm almost at ur house

Lili 🥰🤍
Hey :)

Lili 🥰🤍
I'm getting my stuff ready. I'll be outside soon

He left me on read and I gathered all my stuff before going back downstairs to say bye to my mom.

"I'll see you later mama. Darren is almost here." I kissed her cheek.

"Ok hunny. Pay attention in class. I love you." I playfully rolled my eyes.

"I know mom. I love you too."

I walked out the door and just as I made it to the curb, Darren pulled up with his beauty of a car.

He had a 90's faded orange mustang. It used to be his dads, but he gave it to him once he started collecting a bunch of cars like that.


I opened the door and got in

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I opened the door and got in.

"Hey Dar." I kissed his cheek before putting on my seatbelt.

"Hey Laylay", He smiled at me.

"You ready to go?" I nodded before he sped off. He definitely was not going the speed limit.

"D-Darren. S-slow down", I managed to slip out between giggles.

"Oh come on, your enjoying it." He laughed putting his hand on my thigh.

You see, to many other people, they would think this is a romantic gesture. It's not, however. Darren and I have been friends for so long that these things are normal.

"My hair," I shrieked. I flipped open the mirror that sat just above my head, and examined how I looked. It wasn't that bad, but it was getting there.

"Your hair is perfect. Just shush and enjoy the ride." He smiled at me, giving me thigh a squeeze.

"What happens if you get pulled over like last time?" His eyes went wide and almost immediately lifted his foot off the gas peddle.

"Shit, I almost forgot about that." "Exactly."
"You excited for the first day of school?" I groaned. "Yea. Totally." Darren threw his arm over my shoulder as we walked into school.

"It won't be that bad. It's senior year." "Yayyy! Another year of me being single." I cheered sarcastically.

"Yea right. I bet your gonna have tons of guys asking you out. Just like last year, and the year before." 

"I highly doubt it. No one is gonna bother asking me out cause just like you said, I reject them all. They're gonna move onto other girls that they're just gonna stick their dick in."

I heard him ugly laugh because his shook his head. "Not all the guys here are like that, Liyah." "Well the ones that have hit on me are."

Darren was about to say something else, before he got interrupted.

"You got a fat ass baby." The guy slapped my ass making me jerk forward.

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