Chapter 19

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Aliyah's p.o.v
It was starting to get closer to the winter dance, and I was really excited.

Nick finally asked me to be his girlfriend about three weeks ago, and it couldn't have been cuter. He took me to the cliff with the Hollywood sign, and there he had a cute little picnic set up.

Right now, Bri, Phia and I were with our moms getting dresses for the dance.

Soph would be going with Aaron, who finally asked her out a month ago. And Ellie would be going with Darren who did grow some balls, and asked her out two weeks ago.

We've been here at the store for about two hours, and I still haven't found anything to where.

Brielle, however did find something to wear. And her dress was really cute. It was a navy blue, and it had thick straps, but no sleeves. The top part of it was sparkly and the bottom was mid-thigh length, and flared out.

Then there's Sophias dress. Don't even get me started on hers. Her dress was a maroon colour with straps that went crisscross in the back.

The top half was a velvet material, and then to separate the bottom and top, there was a little bit of skin showing. The bottom was like Elle's, that went mid-thigh length and flared out.

I felt really bad, because we've already been here for so long, and on top of it we've been looking for a whole hour just for me.

"What about this baby?" I turned towards my mom who was showing me a cute dress, but wasn't really my style.

The top was silver and strapless, with beading everywhere. The bottom was a teal colour and it had a train in the back.

"No thanks mom. It's cute it's just not my style." I paused for a minute before talking. "Thank you guys so much for helping me look for a dress. I just feel bad cause we've all been here looking just for me."

Bri's mom smiled at me. "Aliyah, were more than happy to help. We all want you to find something you like, not something that you're not gonna wanna wear. We're all gonna stay here until you find something."

"Thank you Mrs. Ford." She nodded at me, and we continued looking around the store.

I was really about to give up. Nothing looked appealing to me.

"Guys, I'm not gonna find anything. We should just leave and maybe check another store another day."

I then heard a voice that I knew so well, come from behind me. "What about this one baby?"

Immediately turning around, I see Nick standing there holding the most beautiful dress ever.

I ran over to him, throwing my arms around him and squealed. He put the dress down on the seat next to us and put his arms around my waist.

"Someone told me that you were having trouble finding a dress, so I figured I'd help you find one."

I turned my head and knew it was Sophia. "Thank you", I mouthed. "Your welcome", She mouthed back with a smile.

I turned back to Nick and leaned up to kiss him.

"Thank you baby! Where do you find this?" Before he could answer my mom and the other girls came over and told us they were leaving.

I nodded and turned back to Nick. "As you were saying?" He pulled me closer if that was even possible, and starting talking.

"Well, I snuck in from the back and told the ladies what colour I would be wearing and asked if it was possible that we could match."

"We're gonna match?" "Yea babe, we're gonna match." He chuckled at how excited I got.

I've never had a boyfriend to do these things with before, so it was all new and exciting to me.

"So, why don't you to try this dress on so I can see it on your beautiful body." I blushed and took the dress from him, going into the changing room.

Once I got it on, I couldn't take my eyes off myself looking into the mirror. "Wow..." I spoke out in a whisper. This dress was gorgeous.

The colour was blue, a little darker than Brielle's. It had thin straps, but had lace sleeves starting at about the bottom of my shoulder.

The material of it was silk, but it had lace over it. The dress went to my thighs, and the lace made it flare out. Then in the back, it had a really long train made of lace.


(It was just too beautiful not to show 😍)

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(It was just too beautiful not to show 😍)

I opened the door slowly and saw that Nick was on his phone. I cleared my throat, gaining his attention. As soon as he looked up, he put his phone down and walked over to me.

"You look so beautiful, babygirl." I blushed, but didn't look down. "This dress is beautiful. Thank you for finding it for me."

He set his hands on my hips, and pushed me back into the room, closing the door behind him.

He put his lips on mine, moving his hands up and down my body. "Not here baby", I told him and he pouted causing me to giggle.

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