Chapter 10

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Aliyah's p.o.v
"Nick and I kissed yesturday at the movies", I told Brielle that sat on my bed, in my room with me. "Oh my gosh", She shrieked. "Why didn't I hear about this sooner?" I sighed.

Brielle knew that Sophia cheated on Nick, so I wouldn't be hiding anything. "I felt guilty about it. Hes Sophia's ex, you know. Sophia's my best friend, she may have cheated on him, but there's something still making me feel bad."

Ellie gave me a soft smile. "You don't need to feel bad. It was her mistake for cheating on him. Not yours or Nick's. Remeber that. You like him, and he clearly likes you, so go for it."

I felt myslf smile, earning a smile from Brielle. "Really? Won't Sophia be mad?" "Most likely, but she broke his heart, she shouldn't be mad that he's moving on. Plus, if she starts to act like a brat, I'll handle her. You've never had a boyfiend, so you go and enjoy it."

My smile only seemed to get bigger, then is disappeared. "We're rambling on about this, but we don't even know if he does like me." Brielle put her hand on my thigh. "Yes, baby, he does. We can all see it." "Do you really think so?" She nodded, "I know so. Watch, text him right now to come over here, and he'll be here in less than 10 minutes."

I giggled, and nodded.
I showed Brielle the response I got from Nick. She clapped her hands at me, standing up. "We have to get you ready!" I looked at her, with an eyebrow raised. "Wat do you mean? Were not going anywhere."

She laughed. "You may not be going anywhere, but you have to look sexy. He won't be able to keep his hands off you." I shook my head. "That's kind of what we want right now. I am still a virgin. Although I'd be willing to loose it just to fuck him." I felt myself smirk.

Brielle's eyes widened. "Liyah.." She spoke out in a whisper. "What? Its true!" "I'm gonna have to tell Nick about this." I immediately felt my face go hot, and I shook my head repeatedly. "You wouldn't." "Oh but, I would."

Bri was always my one friend that told my crush I liked them. She always wanted me to feel loved by a boy, because I always complained about how lonely I am. And no matter how many times I would tell her no, or I'm fine, she wouldn't listen.

"Ok, come on, lets get you ready." I groaned as she pulled me by the arm, over to my closet.
"Yes, do a little spin for me Lili!" She grabbed my hand and started to spin my around. I had to admit, I did love what I was wearing.

I was wearing a white spaghetti strap dress. I went to the middle of my thighs, and on my right thigh, it had a slit in it. Placed everywhere on the dress, there was yellow and brown flowers. It was fitted, but not too tight.

"I love it. Thanks for helping, Bri." I pulled her into a hug. "No problem baby. You deserve this."

Just as we went to pull away, the doorbell rang. "You stay here, I'm gonna talk to Nick." "Please don't say anything about what I said before." She smirked at me, "No promises."

She left the room, and right now, I was thanking God, my parents were called in to work today.

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