Chapter 18

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Aliyah's p.o.v
"So how's you and Nick?" , Sophia asked me. Brielle, Sophia and I were currently shopping in Victoria's Secret.

"It's acually going really good, thank you for asking." I shot a cute smile her way and she giggled. She was suprisingly comfortable with me and Nick, and it was almost like they were never a couple.

"Has he asked you out yet?" Brielle questioned. They both turned towards me and lifted their brows.

I pouted. "No. But I don't wanna rush him. He just got out of a relationship." I tried not to make eye contact with Sophia as I said that.

"Anyways", I said changing the subject. "Has Aaron asked you out?"

Her face turned red and she looked down at the floor. "Is that a yes?" She shook her head. "No", She sighed. "There's times where I feel like he's gonna do it but he never does."

The three of us were silent before Bri spoke out. "Maybe you should ask him out. He might just be nervous."

Soph shrugged. "I don't know. What if he says no?" I wrapped my arms around her torso and pulled her into a hug.

"He won't bubs. He clearly likes you." "This sounds like me and you", Brielle laughed. I chuckled, knowing it was true.
"Hey guys, Dar is outside so I'm gonna get going." Phia and Brielle smiled at me, from Sophias bed as I got up to leave.

Once I got outside I ran to the car and kissed Darrens cheek. "I feel like we haven't talked in forever", He told me. "I know. We have quite a few things to catch up on", I raised my brows.

He pulled out of Sophias driveway and put his hand on my thigh.

"So what's been happening in Lili's life?" I blushed, thinking about what I was gonna tell him. "Well, about two weeks ago, Nick took my virginity."

His eyes went wide and he slammed on the brakes as we reached a red light. "What?" He asked.

I nodded. "I should've told you, but I just never found the time. There was always people around. Now that it's just us time, I figured I would tell you."

He smiled at me. "Your adorable." I giggled and sent him a smile. "Thank you, thank you."

"So, how's you and Brielle. You gonna grow some balls and ask her out?" He started laughing at my question.

"I would love to ask her out, but I'm nervous. I've never asked someone out before." He was so cute.

"Oh come on, don't be nervous. She really likes you. The only thing I hear when we're together is Darren and I this, and Darren and I that. Or Darrens so amazing, blah blah blah."

I laughed when I looked at his facial expression. "She's gonna say yes to you. Whether you make it big or you simply just ask."

"Thanks Liyah. You always know what to say." "I know. That's kinda my thing." We both laughed, and enjoyed the rest of our ride together.

Once we pulled up to his house, we got out and walked inside.

"Day-Day." My heart melted as I heard Darrens little sister, Amaya, yell out for him.

"I'm here, Maya. Where are you?" "In the kitchen." The two of us walked into the kitchen to see Amaya and their mom baking. Well, Mrs. Campbell baking. Amaya was smearing chocolate all over her face.

I laughed as I watched her grab a handful of the chocolate cake mix and spread it on her face.

"Amaya, baby, I told you not to do that. It's for you to eat later not to play with." Mrs. Campbell turned her body away from the oven and saw Dar and I standing there.

"Hey my babies. Come take a seat. Oh, Darren could you clean Mayas face while I finish putting the cake in the oven?"

"Sure, mom", He did not sound amused. I walked over to her and kissed her cheek.

"How's it going baby? How are your parents?" I took a seat on a stool at the kitchen island and watched her.

"They're doing ok. They've been working a lot." "Oh, I know. I've been trying to reach your mother but she's been so busy. But I guess it comes with jobs like theirs."

I nodded even though she couldn't see me. "How's Mr. Campbell? Have you spoken to him?" Her husband was currently away on a business trip in New Jersey.

"He's doing alright. He said he'll probably be back in about a week. He's been fighting with the people down there cause they want him to stay longer." "Oh."

It fell silent and Darren came back holding a now clean, Amaya.

"Hey cutie. Wanna come see Laylay?" She eagerly nodded her head and tried kicking her way out of D's grip.

"You're gonna turn my own sibling against me." I shrugged and let out a laugh.

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