Chapter 13

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Third Person p.o.v
Fair day. Today was the day Aliyah and Darren were finally gonna run their kissing booth. Both teenagers were pretty nervous, but with a little reassurance from their friends, they knew they would be just fine.

Darren and Aliyah had found multiple people who wanted to be part of the kissing booth. They roughly had about 7 boys and 7 girls who would stand at the tables, blindfolded, and give out kisses to other teenegers.

As the night began, people passed the kissing booth, while Dar and Liyah tried to get their attention. But, eventually, after all of the begging, it worked. The two attracted a crowd.

On the other side of the fair, Sophia, Aliyah's best friend, and Aaron, the boy who helped her in cheating on Nick, were walking around with their hands joined together, looking like a couple.

They, however, were not a couple. Not yet, at least. Aaron had been thinking about asking her to be his girlfriend tonight, so he really hoped nothing would screw it up.

Anyways, back to the kissing booth. Well, it was running pretty smoothly. By now, at least 100 people have bought a ticket and gotten a kiss. The boy and girl, that are blindfolded, have switched spots with another person about four times now.

As the night went on, Nick walked around with his best friends. Brandon, Zion, Austin, accompanied by his girlfriend, and Edwin.

Almost since the time the six had gotten there, Nick had not shut up about how Aliyah had a booth here.

The four guys found it amazing how much Nick adored the girl, and they aren't even dating.

When Nick left to go to the washroom, the boys took this opportunity to joke about their friend. "Yo, he's in love with her already", Zion laughed. Edwin and Austin nodded their heads, agreeing with what the dread head boy said.

"I swear, he never talked this much about Sophia when they were together, and Aliyah and him aren't even together." Brandon said aloud, not even realizing Nick had returned from the washroom.

"Who and Aliyah aren't together?", Nick questioned. The laughter died down as the boys turned their head to the right.

"You and Aliyah. But we all know its gonna happen soon", Austin said brining his hand up to sit on Nick's left shoulder.

Nick felt himself blush. Now he knew his friends approved if he and Liyah did ever get in a relationship.

Before another word could have been spoken, the group of teenagers heard chanting coming from the other side of the fair.

"C'mon guys, lets go see what that was", Edwin suggested, and his friends listened, following closely behind him as he jogged over towards the noise.

Once they arrived to where the sounds had been coming from, Nick noticed it was Aliyah and Darren's kissing booth. He slowly pushed his way through the crowd, leaving his friends behind, to see what was going on.

Finally at the front, he saw Darren and Aliyah standing there, shy smiles on their faces as they listened to everyone chant, "Go up!"

The crowd wanted Leah and D to go and give out kisses to everyone.

Nick watched, with a smile on his face, as Aliyah and her best friend stepped on stage, going to separate tables, and put ton the blindfolds.

"Dude, you should go kiss her", Nick suddenly heard Zion say in his ear, coming out of nowhere.

"You think so?" Zion smiled and nodded. "Go do it. She's gonna be really happy."

Nick eventually nooded, bought a ticket, and slowly walked up the steps, over to Aliyah.

"Come on Nick, you can do this", He told himself. Yes, him and Liyah had kissed before, but never in front of a large group.

As Nick stepped in front of Aliyah, he studied her face, grinning at the nervous smile she had planted there.

"Is someone the-" Aliyah was soon cut off by the feeling of someone's lips being on hers.

She was shocked during the first few seconds, cause she didn't actually expect someone to kiss her, but after a bit, she placed her hands on either side of the mystery boys face, and started kissing him back.

She didn't know who this boy was, but all she knew was that her lips on his, felt right. Of course, she felt guilty saying this because she had a thing going on with Nick.

When the kiss was slowly coming to a stop, the person Aliyah was kissing, was starting to pull off her blindfold. When it was fully removed, she couldn't believe her eyes.

It was Nick Mara.

"Hey Leah" She smiled. She couldn't believe it. She had kissed Nick in front of all these people. The people, the two suddenly remembered, looking to their right.

They looked back at each other and giggled. The two felt completely at ease with one another. On cloud 9, some might say. Yes, it may be in short time, considereing Nick and Sophia just broke up, but there was no denying it.

The two loved being in each others presence. They were in love already, and didn't even know it.

What Nick and Aliyah didn't know was that, Sophia and Aaron were slowly making their way over to the crowd, also curious as to what was happening.

Once Sophia arrived at the scene, she noticed two extremely familiar people smooching behind the kissing booth sign. That's when she realized it was her best friend and ex-boyfriend.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!?!" She screamed.

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