Chapter 15

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Aliyah's p.o.v
It's now Wednesday. Sophia hasn't talked to me since Friday, so its been 5 whole days.

She's been ignoring my texts and calls, plus Brielle's. And, on top of that, she hasn't shown up to school either.

What's going on with Nick? Well, I've been ignoring and avoiding him. He's tried to talk to me at school, and he's tried messaging me and calling. He even showed up to my house, but I told my mom to tell him to leave.

Truth is, I feel guilty. Really guilty. I know I shouldn't, but I do. I mean, Sophia did cheat on him, so why would she be mad if he moved on? My mom said the same thing. She shouldn't be mad at all. But, at the end of the day, Phia is still my best friend.

School is now done, and I'm currently laying in my bed with my face in the pillows. Mom has been coming to check up on me constantly, but I always tell her I'm fine. This time, it didn't work.

"Hunny, tell me what's wrong?"  I sighed, before slipping my body around to face her.

"Mom, what if Sophia doesn't forgive me?" "Baby, she will, just give her time." "What if time doesn't fix it?" "Listen to me Aliyah. You guys are best friends. Your always gonna be in an argument, but you'll get over it. I'd be lying if I said that me and Darren's mom never got in fights."

"Really?" "Really baby. You know what? I think you should go to Sophia's house and explain to her that your not doing this to get under her skin."

"How am I gonna get there?" My mom laughed. "I'll drive you, but you need to get you licence soon." "I will mom, don't worry."
As I walked up to Sophia's door, I felt my hands start to get sweaty. What happens if she told me to go home?

I turned my head towards my mom who was sitting in her car, giving me a big thumbs up. I smiled, and she drove off. Now I had no choice but to talk to Sophia.

I took one final step, and gave their big door three knocks.

I waited for a while, and then when the door opened, it revealed Sophia. I gave a small smile, and just as she was about to close the door, I put my hand on it and pushed it open.

"Please, Sophia, I get that your mad but talk to me." Her eyes searched mine for sometime before she sighed but nodded.

As I stepped into her house, she closed the door and led me up to her room.

She then took a seat on her bed, and patted the spot next to her. "Explain." I took a deep breath before speaking.

"Look, I know you're really mad at me, but what happened on Friday is not at all, how I wanted you to find out about me and Nick." She looked at the ground.

"Are you guys a thing?" I didn't want to piss her off more then she already was, so I just said, "No. Not yet. Soon hopefully."

Those words, finally made her look at me. "Soon?" I slowly nodded. I felt guilty. I knew it was wrong from the beginning, but I couldn't help myself.

"Aliyah, do you really like Nick?" She turned so her whole body faced me completely. "Y-Yea. I do. My feelings began to develop the last few months you were going out. Then, the night you broke up, I was there for him."

"That just made my feelings grow stronger. I feel really guilty about it. If you don't want me to do this with Nick, then I'll go to his place and tell him it's over."

It was silent for the next few moments. I didn't want to rush her to an answer.

"You don't need to." "To what?" "End it." She paused and took a deep breath.

"If you like him, and he likes you, go for it. I won't stand in the way of you two."

I felt so relieved, and I finally allowed myself to smile.

"Thank you so much, Phia. I love you. I promise I'll never keep anything from you again." "You better not", She let out a small laugh.

I stood up and pulled her into a hug. One, as if our lives depended on it.

"Can you promise me something?" She whispered into my shoulder. I hummed. "When you guys are together around me, don't be all over each other."

I giggled at her request. "Ok, I promise. But I have a question for you." "What is it?" "Is Aaron the guy you were cheating on Nick with." She nodded at me, looking at her feet.

"Oh, you guys are kinda cute." She smiled. "Yea yea, just go get your man. I know you haven't been talking for days."
There might be smut in the next chapter, so sorry in advance. I know I'm not the best at writing that stuff 🤷🏻‍♀️

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