Chapter 11

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Nick's p.o.v
I smiled as I pulled up to Aliyah's house. I was happy when I saw her text message, asking me to come over.

I turned my car off, and got out, walking to her front door. After I rang the doorbell, I waited for someone to answer the door. I wiped my hands on the back of my pants, because for whatever reason, I was getting nervous.

Again, thinking Aliyah was gonna come to the door, I was surprised when I saw Brielle. "Oh, hey Brielle." "Hey Nick. Liyah's just upstairs." I nodded.

"Come in", She moved out of the doorway, so I could step inside. I was greeted with cool air when I stepped inside. It was refreshing.

"So, how are you?" She questioned me. "Pretty good. You?" She smiled. "I'm good. I heard you kissed my best friend yesturday." I immediatly felt my face get hot.

"U-Uh, yea, I did. Aliyah told you?" "Obviously. Do you like Aliyah?" I looked at the ground. I really wish Aliyah would come down right now.

"Umm, yea. I do. D-Do you know if she...likes me?" She giggled at me. "What's so funny?" "You two are just the cutest. She's always questioning if you like her, when it's obvious", I smiled. "And here you are questioning if she likes you", She continued.

"So she does?" She nodded. "Yes, Nicholas, she does."  I felt my stomach doing flips. She really liked me back!

"And Nick?" I turned my head towards Brielle. "Yea?" "I'm not supposed to tell you this, so can you keep a secret?" I nodded my head eagerly, ready to hear the secret she was going to tell me.

She came and sat next to me, speaking out in a whisper. "You know that Aliyah's a virgin right?" I nodded and arched a brow. Why was she asking me that?

"She told me up in her room, just over 10 minutes ago, that she would loose her virginity, just to fuck you." My eyes immediately widened. I saw her smirk.

"W-What? Are you serious", I choked out. "Very." I sat back and ran my hands over my sweatpants. "Damn", I spoke out. I didn't know she was dirty, like that.

"I know. But promise you won't tell?" I shook my head, starting to feel myself smirk. "No promises."

Brielle was just about to say something, when we heard steps coming towards us. "Hey Nick." I turned my head to see Aliyah. She looked beautiful in the dress she was wearing.

"H-Hey, Leah." I couldn't take my eyes off her. She looked gorgeous. "Alrighty, well, I'm gonna take off. You two have fun", She winked, and just like that she was out the door.

"You seem a little out of it, you ok Nick?" I nodded my head. "Yea, I'm alright." She nodded and gave my cheek a kiss.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I nodded. I was completely dazed by what Brielle told me, and Liyah is here acting like nothing happened.

She stood up and grabbed the remote. I couldn't help but stare at her ass, it was really poppin in that dress of hers. "I know you're staring Nick. Cut it out", She giggled.

I blushed and looked at the ground. "Sorry", I mumbled. She picked a movie, and than came and took a seat beside me. "Nick, seriously, what's wrong? Did you have something to do?" I shook my head. I have to stop acting like this, I'm not even supposed to know what she said.

"No, sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me." She hummed and rested her hand on my thigh. She really knows how to get a guy going.

I tensed, and she was about to remove her hand, but I stopped her. "You don't need too." It was silent as we watched the movie for a few minutes, then Aliyah spoke up.

"Nick?" "Yea ma?" I saw her blush before she responded. " I really wanna kiss you." I smiled softly, and turned her head to face me. "So do it."

She looked into my eyes for a few seconds before putting her hands on either side of my face and pulling me into a kiss. I let my hands side down to her waist, picking her up and placing her in my lap.

She giggled, and went back to kissing me. "Were not gonna watch the movie are we?"  My eyes widened, remembering what Brielle told me. "Uhhh, yea. We are." I pulled away from her and glued my eyes on the tv. I could feel her staring at me.

Just as I turned my head towards her, I saw her eyes watering. Before I could say anything, she got up and ran upstairs.

I got up and chased after her. Before she could get to far, I wrapped my arms around her waist, and turned her towards me. She looked down at the floor, not wanting to look at me.

"Baby, look at me." She shook her head, so I placed my fingers under her chin to lift her head. "Did I do something wrong", She asked referring to the kiss. "No, of course not ma."

"Then why did you want to stop so quickly." I chuckled. That's what she was upset about. "Aliyah, I know what you said about wanting to fuck me."

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