Chapter 14

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Aliyah's p.o.v
I immediately pulled away from Nick and turned my head to see Sophia standing there with wide eyes.

"Sophia, calm down before you over react", I heard Brielle say.

"Over react? My ex boyfriend and best friend are shoving their tongues down each other's throats."

She was eyeing us. She wouldn't look away, and I was starting to get really nervous. This isn't what was supposed to happen tonight. At all.

"Listen, Sophia. I can explain." She crossed her arms over her chest, not moving from her spot.

"Oh yea? Explain. Now." I stepped away from Nick, and closer to her.

"It's not what it looks like at all. We did it for the kissing booth." She scoffed at me.

"For the kissing booth? You expect me to believe this was in the act of the kissing booth? You really think I'm that gullible, huh?"

I sighed. Why was she even being this way? She broke his damn heart, she shouldn't be acting like a fucking brat.

"This is why you've been acting so weird. Isn't it? You've been seeing my ex boyfriend behind my back?"

At this time, the crowd that was once here, left.

"No, Sophia, I haven't. Please, you need to calm down." I felt someone's presence beside me, and when I turned my head, it was Nick.

He gave me a small smile, calming me down. "What the fuck was that? Don't fucking smile at each other in front of my face."

Before I could say anything back, Brielle stepped in, responding to Sophia.

"Listen, Sophia. You're our best friend, but it's time to grow the fuck up. You cheated on Nick. You can't be mad at him for moving on. It's your fault you guys are over. You broke his heart."

I looked at Nick who was looking down at his feet. I grabbed his hand, in mine, and I felt his tension go away.

"Plus", Elle continued. "Aliyah has never had a boyfriend. Now, I'm not saying they're together, but we don't know what the future holds. Regardless, you should be happy for her. Not screaming at her because she's kissing your ex boyfriend. Take in mind EX", Bri emphasized.

I searched Sophias face and she looked at Nick, Brielle and I. I could see she was angry.

We were all silent for the next few seconds, before Sophia did exactly what I thought she'd do.

She made a run for it.

"Sophia, Wait!" I heard Aaron call after her. "Wait, let me go talk to her." He looked down at me. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "I'm sure. I have get her to listen to me."

He nodded before I took off. I went in the direction she went, but I didn't see her.

I continued running down the path, but there still, was no hope.

"SOPHIA! SOPHIA! COME BACK SO WE CAN TALK PLEASE!" I screamed out into the silence.

I could feel myself tearing up. I may have just lost my best friend.

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