Chapter 9

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Aliyah's p.o.v
"And then I said never mind, let's just work on the project. God, I'm so stupid." Darren had his hand on my thigh already as we drove home.

"No your not. You just got nervous around your crush. It's happens to everyone one time or another." I groaned. I felt so stupid. It was so awkward between Nick and I during the science experiment.

"Oh yea! Mrs, Wilson told me we have to think of a fundraiser idea and tell her Monday." I threw my head back.

"Seriously?! What are we supposed to do?" "I don't know but we have to think fast cause the fair is in about one and a half weeks.

I sighed. "I don't know. I don't wanna do something simple cause then no one is gonna come." It was silent for a few seconds before Darren spoke up.

"What about a kissing booth? Everyone will be lined up to do that." I shrugged. "That sounds like a good idea."

"Yea. And we could have a girl and a boy lane so that everyone gets to pick. And we could be switching people every once and a while so that it's not all the same, cause that will for sure bore people. And the person at the stand can wear a blindfold so they don't know who they're kissing."

That was a lot at once. "Yeaaa...Lets do that. Kissing booth it is."
"Lets go to the movies." Darren scrunched up his nose. "Really? The movies? Out of anywhere you wanna go, there?"

I nodded. "Yes, yes I do. There's a new movie I wanna watch." "Fineeee."

He started his car and began driving to the movie theatre. We stayed at his house for a little and laid around.

I was zoned out, and all of a sudden pulled out of it when my phone started ringing. "Who's that?" "Oh, it's Nick?" He looked at me and wiggled his eyebrows. "Answer it."

I swiped at the green button on my phone and brought the phone up to my ear. "Hello?" "H-Hey Leah. Um, what are you doing right now?" "Me and Darren are going to the movies."

The line went quiet for a few seconds. "I-is it ok if I come?" I looked over at Darren and he raised a brow, giving a questioning look.

"Uhhh, sure?" "Ok thanks. I'll see you guys there soon." I hung up the phone and turned to Darren.

"Sooo, Nicks coming to the movies." He started laughing. "What's so funny?" "He clearly wants to hang out with you, Lili. I mean come on, it's a Friday night and he called just to see what you were doing? He obviously likes you."

I let out a dry laugh. "No, he doesn't. I don't get why everyone is saying that." "Because it's true! And so obvious!" I shook my head.

Once we got to the movies, I saw Nicks car sitting in the parking lot with him inside it.

"There's Nick. Park next to him."  I watched as Nick lifted his head, smile planted on his face, and got out of the car.

I stepped out, and gave Nick a hug. "Hey Nick." "Hey Leah." I pulled away and saw Darren looking at us with a huge smile.

I gave him a stern look and he chuckled. "Hey Nick. Let's go inside." I nodded and walked between the two of them. It felt a little uncomfortable, so I wrapped my arm around Darren, and I saw Nick clench his jaw.

I cleared my throat, "So, I was thinking that we could watch a horror movie? I saw the trailer of one and it looked pretty interesting."  Both guys nodded their heads.
"Darren sure is taking a long time in the washroom", Nick whispered to me.

Truth is, Darren wasn't in the bathroom. He left 10 minutes after the movie started. He whispered in my ear that he hoped I had fun with my lover boy, then told Nick he was going to the washroom.

"Nick, Dar isn't going to the washroom. He left, so that the two of us were at the movies alone." I saw Nick shake his head.

"Why would he do that?" "It's just Darren, but he thinks that the two of us have a thing for each other. It's crazy." We were sitting in the very back, and there was almost no one in the room with us.

"It's not that crazy", I heard Nick mumble. "Wha-" I was suddenly cut off by Nick grabbing my face and kissing my lips. His big, masculine hands sat on either side of my face, and mine slowly went around his neck.

It felt like fireworks were going off in my stomach. The kiss was slow and sweet, and it felt like everything around us stopped.

As we pulled away from the kiss, our lips stuck together. I searched in his eyes, for a few seconds, and he searched mine, before I pulled him into another sweet kiss.

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